Investigation Discovery piedāvā ielūkoties kriminālajā pasaulē. Noziegumu rekonstrukcija un analīze, izmeklēšanas gaitas atspoguļošana. Skatītāji var iedziļināties noziedznieka prātā un atklāt zinātni, kas palīdz atrisināt sarežģītākos noziegumus un mulsinošākās mistērijas. Raidījumu pamatā ir patiesi stāsti.
Home Alone (Home Alone)
When a single mother breaks up with her volatile boyfriend, he takes her hostage. As her life hangs in the balance, a friend on a SWAT team is determined to save her.
Home Alone (Home Alone)
Intruders break in and hold Valerie Yussman hostage. They demand her son Matthew rob the credit union where he works and attach a bomb to him to ensure he complies.
Late Night Lockup (Late Night Lockup)
An officer tries to stop a speeding car in Wisconsin, but it crashes into a police vehicle. At Dallas airport, police deal with an unruly passenger.
Late Night Lockup (Late Night Lockup)
In Mayfield, Ohio, a patrol officer performs a traffic stop after spotting an erratic driver. In Wisconsin, a cop spots a potential drug dealer.
Murder Calls (Murder Calls)
With the help of a neighbour, an injured woman calls 911 saying an intruder broke in and shot her and her boyfriend. Police respond and find the boyfriend executed.
An American Murder Mystery: Drew Peterson (An American Murder Mystery: Drew Peterson)
When 23-year old Stacey Peterson vanishes, suspicion lands on her police officer husband, Drew. Soon police learn his last wife died under mysterious circumstances.
Blood Relatives (Blood Relatives)
A once-happy family is frayed by anger and jealousy when an unlikely affair is revealed, and a tattoo seals the fate of more than one member of this family.
Blood Relatives (Blood Relatives)
Police are faced with a grisly Valentine's Day surprise when a body is found in a family home. Detectives follow a trail of secrets and betrayal to find the truth.
Deadliest Mums & Dads (Deadliest Mums & Dads)
When a father gets into financial difficulty and is charged with fraud, he can't see a way forward. Facing jail time, he makes a horrifying decision.
Deadliest Mums & Dads (Deadliest Mums & Dads)
The shocking story of a double murder carried out in revenge after Chrissie Chambers leaves her partner - and the brave young girl who escaped.
Dead Of Winter (Dead Of Winter)
Days before Christmas, Robbie Schmidt is found strangled to death. Just when the case seems to be going cold, his brother comes forward with a shocking secret.
Dead Of Winter (Dead Of Winter)
74-year-old widow Virginia Johannessen is shot dead in her home before another is murdered on the same street. Is someone targeting widows on Felton Road?
An American Murder Mystery: Drew Peterson (An American Murder Mystery: Drew Peterson)
When 23-year old Stacey Peterson vanishes, suspicion lands on her police officer husband, Drew. Soon police learn his last wife died under mysterious circumstances.
Drew Peterson: The Wife Killer Cop? (Drew Peterson: The Wife Killer Cop?)
Prosecutors continue to investigate the Stacey Peterson disappearance. They soon discover a troubling pattern of abuse in Drew Peterson's previous marriages.
Blood Relatives (Blood Relatives)
When a team of firefighters extinguish a burning truck, they reveal the charred remains of a human corpse inside. Detectives delve into the truth behind the crime.
Blood Relatives (Blood Relatives)
In Queens, NYPD detectives find a bullet-pierced body in the trunk of a car. They end up drawn into a dark tale of brotherhood, backstabbing, and betrayal.
Evil Stepmothers (Evil Stepmothers)
After a string of failed relationships, Veronica thinks single dad, Russ, is perfect. But daughter, Kimberly, and the growing family vex this stepmother.
Evil Stepmothers (Evil Stepmothers)
Donna is beautiful and maternal - just what Dennis Yaklich needs as a single dad. But soon his four kids see her dark side, from bullying them to stealing money.
Mother, May I Murder? (Mother, May I Murder?)
The murder of a father devastates his family. But when his widow and her son turn the home into a sex party house, it exposes a very different reality.
Mother, May I Murder? (Mother, May I Murder?)
The brutal murder of popular businessman Kevin Boyd shocks a quiet Michigan suburb. But police quickly uncover a vicious family story of duplicity and betrayal.
Relatively Evil (Relatively Evil)
After two long-lost brothers connect as young adults, a dark disturbance emerges within the newly blended family unit and leads to a shocking crime.
Relatively Evil (Relatively Evil)
A grieving widow forms a romantic connection and decides to move in with her co-worker. However, after a confrontation, a vicious murder leads to callous cover-up. PREMIERE
Unbreakable: Live To Tell (Unbreakable: Live To Tell)
When Gabby McKenzie starts seeing a new man after a bad breakup with her son's father, it's not long before her family home becomes a violent war zone.
Married To Evil (Married To Evil)
A woman plans to leave her controlling and violent husband. But when he finds out, he'll do anything to stop her and concocts a devious plot.
Evil Kin (Evil Kin)
When a young girl in Utah is kidnapped and murdered, no one suspects that it is only the beginning of murderous crime spree.
Evil Kin (Evil Kin)
As a child, Ward feels an evil building inside of him. When he is reunited with his estranged father an unforgettable terror is inevitably unleashed.