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Настоящее время HD

CurrentTime ir starptautisks мēdiju projekts par tēmām un notikumiem, kas skar mūsdienu cilvēku un sniedz objektīvu un precīzu informāciju, pamatojoties uz faktiem un patiesiem notikumiem.

  • 01:00

    America (America)

    America (America)


    From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC, international news for Russian speakers plus news from the United States, including business and entertainment news.

  • 02:00

    Asia (Asia)

    Asia (Asia)


    The only daily news program covering Central Asia in its entirety with news and reports from our bureaus there.

  • 02:30

    Crossroad (Crossroad)

    Crossroad (Crossroad)


    The series consists of short documentaries on complex topics in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. This is an author's view of the problems and prospects of these regions. Real life close up.

  • 03:00

    Real Cinema (Real Cinema)

    Real Cinema (Real Cinema)

    Real Cinema

    Фильмы, о которых говорит мир, и те, что запрещены к показу: яркие люди, важные мировые события и личные истории, которыми хочется поделиться.

  • 05:00

    Baltic (Baltic)

    Baltic (Baltic)


    News stories from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

  • 05:30

    Come Visit Us! (Come Visit Us!)

    Come Visit Us! (Come Visit Us!)

    Come Visit Us!

    Travel and food show with Zurab Dvali.

  • 06:00

    Archeology. Interview (Archeology. Interview)

    Archeology. Interview (Archeology. Interview)

    Archeology. Interview

    Станислав Белковский - политолог

  • 06:30

    Unknown Russia (Unknown Russia)

    Unknown Russia (Unknown Russia)

    Unknown Russia

    Talk show focusing on the days' events and featuring live interviews with key figures in the news, in culture, and in current events.

  • 07:00

    Almost Grown-Ups (Almost Grown-Ups)

    Almost Grown-Ups (Almost Grown-Ups)

    Under the Sicilian sunlight, Oscar collects scrap metal with his father. At the other end of town, Stanley the Nigerian migrant gets by thanks to small tasks given by the parish priest. Both share the same desire for a better life.

  • 08:00

    Face the Event (Face the Event)

    Face the Event (Face the Event)

    Face the Event

    A live, one hour, talk show from our Moscow bureau focusing on the key issues and news events of the day.

  • 08:30

    Crossroad (Crossroad)

    Crossroad (Crossroad)


    The series consists of short documentaries on complex topics in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. This is an author's view of the problems and prospects of these regions. Real life close up.

  • 09:00

    Donbass. Realities (Donbass. Realities)

    Donbass. Realities (Donbass. Realities)

    Donbass. Realities

    This newsmagazine provides a rare glimpse into life in war torn Eastern Ukraine.

  • 09:30

    Come Visit Us! (Come Visit Us!)

    Come Visit Us! (Come Visit Us!)

    Come Visit Us!

    Travel and food show with Zurab Dvali.

  • 10:00

    Almost Grown-Ups (Almost Grown-Ups)

    Almost Grown-Ups (Almost Grown-Ups)

    Under the Sicilian sunlight, Oscar collects scrap metal with his father. At the other end of town, Stanley the Nigerian migrant gets by thanks to small tasks given by the parish priest. Both share the same desire for a better life.

  • 12:00

    Almost Grown-Ups (Almost Grown-Ups)

    Almost Grown-Ups (Almost Grown-Ups)

    Under the Sicilian sunlight, Oscar collects scrap metal with his father. At the other end of town, Stanley the Nigerian migrant gets by thanks to small tasks given by the parish priest. Both share the same desire for a better life.

  • 13:00

    Archeology. Interview (Archeology. Interview)

    Archeology. Interview (Archeology. Interview)

    Archeology. Interview

    Актуальные интервью с Сергеем Медведевым

  • 13:30

    Tomorrow Today (Tomorrow Today)

    Tomorrow Today (Tomorrow Today)

    Tomorrow Today

    The Science Magazine.

  • 14:00

    Road to Freedom (Road to Freedom)

    Road to Freedom (Road to Freedom)

    Road to Freedom

    This discussion program features in depth analysis of news with Vitaly Portnikov.

  • 14:30

    Crossroad (Crossroad)

    Crossroad (Crossroad)


    The series consists of short documentaries on complex topics in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. This is an author's view of the problems and prospects of these regions. Real life close up.

  • 15:00

    News (News)

    News (News)


  • 15:10

    Cash Opinion (Cash Opinion)

    Cash Opinion (Cash Opinion)

    Cash Opinion

    Скучно? Нет! Потому что все эти темы подаются простым и понятным языком.

  • 15:30

    True Story (True Story)

    True Story (True Story)

    True Story

    Лучшие исторические сериалы телеканала "Настоящее время"

  • 16:00

    Facets of Time (Facets of Time)

    Facets of Time (Facets of Time)

    Results of the week with Mumin Shakirov.

  • 17:00

    Almost Grown-Ups (Almost Grown-Ups)

    Almost Grown-Ups (Almost Grown-Ups)

    Under the Sicilian sunlight, Oscar collects scrap metal with his father. At the other end of town, Stanley the Nigerian migrant gets by thanks to small tasks given by the parish priest. Both share the same desire for a better life.

  • 18:30

    Baltic (Baltic)

    Baltic (Baltic)


    News stories from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

  • 19:00

    Interview (Interview)

    Interview (Interview)


    Нариман Джелял - украинский крымскотатарский политик, преподаватель, политолог и журналист.

  • 19:30

    Look Both Ways (Look Both Ways)

    Look Both Ways (Look Both Ways)

    Look Both Ways

    Программа о новостях и тех, кто эти новости делает. О фейках и сенсациях, о невольных ошибках и сознательных манипуляциях

  • 19:45

    Cash Opinion (Cash Opinion)

    Cash Opinion (Cash Opinion)

    Cash Opinion

    Скучно? Нет! Потому что все эти темы подаются простым и понятным языком.

  • 20:00

    Newsday (Newsday)

    Newsday (Newsday)


    Еженедельная итоговая информационная программа из студии Голоса Америки в Вашингтоне.

  • 20:30

    Details (Details)

    Details (Details)


    From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC.

  • 21:00

    Real Cinema (Real Cinema)

    Real Cinema (Real Cinema)

    Real Cinema

    Фильмы, о которых говорит мир, и те, что запрещены к показу: яркие люди, важные мировые события и личные истории, которыми хочется поделиться.

  • 23:00

    True Story (True Story)

    True Story (True Story)

    True Story

    Best historical documentary series of Current Time TV.

  • 23:30

    DW. Interview (DW. Interview)

    DW. Interview (DW. Interview)

    DW. Interview

    Интервью с известными политиками, интеллектуалами, общественными деятелями из России, Европы и США.

  • 00:00

    Unknown Russia (Unknown Russia)

    Unknown Russia (Unknown Russia)

    Unknown Russia

    Talk show focusing on the days' events and featuring live interviews with key figures in the news, in culture, and in current events.

  • 00:30

    Baltic (Baltic)

    Baltic (Baltic)


    News stories from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

  • 01:00

    Newsday (Newsday)

    Newsday (Newsday)


    Еженедельная итоговая информационная программа из студии Голоса Америки в Вашингтоне.

  • 03:00

    Тихий голос (Тихий голос)

    Тихий голос (Тихий голос)

    Тихий голос

    Молодой чеченский боец Хавадж, подающий большие надежды в смешанных единоборствах ММА, вынужден бежать в Брюссель, когда брат узнает о его гомосексуальности и обещает убить. Фильм повествует о его первых месяцах пребывания в Бельгии. Хавадж наблюдает, как распадается последняя ниточка, связывающая его с Чечней. Вчерашняя жизнь в прошлом, а новая еще не наступила.

  • 04:00

    Down (Down)

    Down (Down)


    When the elevators in New York's 102-story Millennium Building start to malfunction, mechanic Mark Newman is sent to find the cause. After a series of gruesome and deadly "accidents" occur, Mark joins forces with spunky reporter Jennifer.

  • 06:30

    Unknown Russia (Unknown Russia)

    Unknown Russia (Unknown Russia)

    Unknown Russia

    Talk show focusing on the days' events and featuring live interviews with key figures in the news, in culture, and in current events.

  • 21:00

    Big water (Big water)

    Big water (Big water)

    Big water

    Великие реки России во все времена кормили и кочевников, и русских промышленников, нашедших здесь богатейшие залежи природных ископаемых. На их берегах возникали пещеры, подземные тоннели и галереи, скрытые от глаз здания и даже города. Авторы фильма отправляются в увлекательное путешествие с целью узнать, что скрывает от мира Большая вода крупнейших рек нашей страны.

  • 22:40

    Childhood, summer and war (Childhood, summer and war)

    Childhood, summer and war (Childhood, summer and war)

    Childhood, summer and war

    This movie is about children who live every day with a reminder of war and enemies. This happens in today's Russia, in the city of Belaya Kalitva in the Rostov region. Teens take Cossack education.

  • 14:30

    Crossroad (Crossroad)

    Crossroad (Crossroad)


    The series consists of short documentaries on complex topics in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. This is an author's view of the problems and prospects of these regions. Real life close up.

  • 15:30

    Random Access Memory (Random Access Memory)

    Random Access Memory (Random Access Memory)

    Random Access Memory

    Введенные международным сообществом санкции против "разжигателей войны" наглядно продемонстрировали, насколько болезненной и разрушительной может стать международная изоляция. Санкции и массовые народные протесты запустили продолжающийся до сих пор процесс демократизации общества в республиках бывшей Югославии.

  • 23:00

    Random Access Memory (Random Access Memory)

    Random Access Memory (Random Access Memory)

    Random Access Memory

    Введенные международным сообществом санкции против "разжигателей войны" наглядно продемонстрировали, насколько болезненной и разрушительной может стать международная изоляция. Санкции и массовые народные протесты запустили продолжающийся до сих пор процесс демократизации общества в республиках бывшей Югославии.

  • 23:30

    Conflict Zone (Conflict Zone)

    Conflict Zone (Conflict Zone)

    Conflict Zone

    DW top political interview program, hosted by Tim Sebastian and Sarah Kelly, who take you to the heart of the matter.