Kanāls HISTORY2 aizraujošā, izklaidējošā un negaidītā veidā parāda vēsturi. Tas aptver militāro, seno un moderno laiku vēsturi, kā arī zinātni, atklājot maz zināmus faktus par pasauli mums apkārt.
Food Tech (Food Tech)
Food Tech hosted by Bobby Bognar makes a preparation of a well-known American meal and tracks the ingredients from the field or factory to your plate.
Human Weapon (Human Weapon)
Cambodian Blood Sport: From urban fighting pits to the sweltering jungles, our hosts journey into the heart of Pradal Serey to perfect the vicious strikes of this martial art.
Breaking Mysterious (Breaking Mysterious)
The team looks into claims that the US government is creating mind-controlled super soldiers, and seeks out the origins of the hacker group ANONYMOUS.
River Hunters (River Hunters)
Rick and Beau embark on an epic search through the River Ouse in Yorkshire, in a bid to find evidence of Viking life.
Rome: Rise & Fall of an Empire (Rome: Rise & Fall of an Empire)
In 450 AD, Rome is a mere shadow of its former self. Gone is the superior civilisation and great expanses of land. As a barbarian, Ricimer could not become Emperor. Yet he held all the power.
Atlantis Found (Atlantis Found)
Adventurer-geologist Dr Martin Pepper sets out to prove that Atlantis existed on the Greek island of Santorini, and was destroyed in the biggest volcanic eruption in human history.
UFO Hunters (UFO Hunters)
This episode chronicles several close encounters with alien abductees who have been held captive, probed, examined, and had objects implanted in their bodies.
Food Tech (Food Tech)
Food Tech hosted by Bobby Bognar makes a preparation of a well-known American meal and tracks the ingredients from the field or factory to your plate.
Human Weapon (Human Weapon)
Cambodian Blood Sport: From urban fighting pits to the sweltering jungles, our hosts journey into the heart of Pradal Serey to perfect the vicious strikes of this martial art.
Breaking Mysterious (Breaking Mysterious)
The team looks into claims that the US government is creating mind-controlled super soldiers, and seeks out the origins of the hacker group ANONYMOUS.
River Hunters (River Hunters)
Rick and Beau embark on an epic search through the River Ouse in Yorkshire, in a bid to find evidence of Viking life.
Rome: Rise & Fall of an Empire (Rome: Rise & Fall of an Empire)
In 450 AD, Rome is a mere shadow of its former self. Gone is the superior civilisation and great expanses of land. As a barbarian, Ricimer could not become Emperor. Yet he held all the power.
Atlantis Found (Atlantis Found)
Adventurer-geologist Dr Martin Pepper sets out to prove that Atlantis existed on the Greek island of Santorini, and was destroyed in the biggest volcanic eruption in human history.
UFO Hunters (UFO Hunters)
This episode chronicles several close encounters with alien abductees who have been held captive, probed, examined, and had objects implanted in their bodies.
Food Tech (Food Tech)
Food Tech hosted by Bobby Bognar makes a preparation of a well-known American meal and tracks the ingredients from the field or factory to your plate.
Human Weapon (Human Weapon)
Cambodian Blood Sport: From urban fighting pits to the sweltering jungles, our hosts journey into the heart of Pradal Serey to perfect the vicious strikes of this martial art.
Breaking Mysterious (Breaking Mysterious)
The team looks into claims that the US government is creating mind-controlled super soldiers, and seeks out the origins of the hacker group ANONYMOUS.
River Hunters (River Hunters)
Rick and Beau embark on an epic search through the River Ouse in Yorkshire, in a bid to find evidence of Viking life.
Rome: Rise & Fall of an Empire (Rome: Rise & Fall of an Empire)
In 450 AD, Rome is a mere shadow of its former self. Gone is the superior civilisation and great expanses of land. As a barbarian, Ricimer could not become Emperor. Yet he held all the power.
Atlantis Found (Atlantis Found)
Adventurer-geologist Dr Martin Pepper sets out to prove that Atlantis existed on the Greek island of Santorini, and was destroyed in the biggest volcanic eruption in human history.
Ancient Aliens (Ancient Aliens)
Ancient Astronaut theorists believe the global practice of mummification is not a coincidence, but proof that highly advanced extraterrestrials visited Earth in the distant past.
MonsterQuest (MonsterQuest)
Worldwide, there have been hundreds of mysterious sightings spanning many centuries. Throughout history, these sightings have spawned countless stories.
Human Weapon (Human Weapon)
Russia's Extreme Fighting: Created during the Bolshevik Revolution, find out how Sambo training eventually spread to the masses and became an official, competitive Soviet sport.
UFO Hunters (UFO Hunters)
Join William J Birnes and his team of "ufologists" as they investigate supposed close encounters. Will they find evidence of extra-terrestrial visitors? Join the team on their search for the truth.
The Universe (The Universe)
On alien planets, they rain from the sky as scalding iron. They're so rare in the Universe, they almost don't exist, but these are the magical liquids of our Liquid Universe.
Battles BC (Battles BC)
The great general leads his huge empire to India. Facing a challenging campaign in tough conditions, Alexander's plan requires tactical brilliance.
Search for the Lost Giants (Search for the Lost Giants)
Vieira brothers discover new signs of the Goshen Mystery Tunnel with a team of archaeologists.
Gold Hunters: Legend of the Superstition Mountains (Gold Hunters: Legend of the Superstition Mountains)
A cryptic clue weaves an even bigger mystery as the team head into darkness in pursuit of their $200,000 payday.
Ancient Aliens (Ancient Aliens)
Ancient Astronaut theorists believe the global practice of mummification is not a coincidence, but proof that highly advanced extraterrestrials visited Earth in the distant past.
MonsterQuest (MonsterQuest)
Worldwide, there have been hundreds of mysterious sightings spanning many centuries. Throughout history, these sightings have spawned countless stories.