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CurrentTime ir starptautisks мēdiju projekts par tēmām un notikumiem, kas skar mūsdienu cilvēku un sniedz objektīvu un precīzu informāciju, pamatojoties uz faktiem un patiesiem notikumiem.

  • 01:00

    Newsday (Newsday)

    Newsday (Newsday)


    Еженедельная итоговая информационная программа из студии Голоса Америки в Вашингтоне.

  • 01:30

    Details (Details)

    Details (Details)


    From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC.

  • 02:00

    #InUkraine (#InUkraine)

    #InUkraine (#InUkraine)


    Programs that familiarize the viewer with unique people, show places and events that are little known even in Ukraine itself.

  • 02:30

    Crossroad (Crossroad)

    Crossroad (Crossroad)


    The series consists of short documentaries on complex topics in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. This is an author's view of the problems and prospects of these regions. Real life close up.

  • 03:00

    The Man Who Was Looking for His Son (The Man Who Was Looking for His Son)

    The Man Who Was Looking for His Son (The Man Who Was Looking for His Son)

    For the last ten years a man dressed as Spiderman has tirelessly criss-crossed China in search of his son, Jiacheng, abducted at the age of one. An obsessive quest that constantly hits a wall of silence. In China, little boys are worth a small fortune particularly for human traffickers.

  • 03:00

    Real Cinema (Real Cinema)

    Real Cinema (Real Cinema)

    Real Cinema

    Фильмы, о которых говорит мир, и те, что запрещены к показу: яркие люди, важные мировые события и личные истории, которыми хочется поделиться.

  • 05:00

    Person on the Map (Person on the Map)

    Person on the Map (Person on the Map)

    This weekly half hour documentary tells the stories about people who live in the modern Russian province.

  • 05:30

    Baltic (Baltic)

    Baltic (Baltic)


    News stories from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.

  • 06:00

    Newsday (Newsday)

    Newsday (Newsday)


    Еженедельная итоговая информационная программа из студии Голоса Америки в Вашингтоне.

  • 06:30

    Details (Details)

    Details (Details)


    From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC.

  • 07:00

    Current Series (Current Series)

    Current Series (Current Series)

    Current Series

    Всегда актуальные репортажи из горячих точек мира.

  • 07:00

    Comedians in exile (Comedians in exile)

    Comedians in exile (Comedians in exile)

    Comedians in exile

    Документальный сериал о стендап-комиках, которые шутят на актуальные и болезненные для общества темы в России. После вторжения России в Украину их выступления и видеопубликации стали невозможны. Юмористы уехали из России и поселились в Тбилиси.

  • 08:00

    Schemes (Schemes)

    Schemes (Schemes)


    From Kiev, this news magazine uses investigative journalism to uncover corruption throughout Ukraine.

  • 08:30

    Main figures (Main figures)

    Main figures (Main figures)

    Main figures

    Like a game of chess, Russian President Vladimir Putin's inner circle moves pieces across the board to shape the country's political regime and military actions. But who are these key players, and what motivates their moves? 'Power Play: Inside Putin's Inner Circle,' a joint production of Current Time and The Insider, takes you behind the scenes to explore the shadowy world of Putin's closest advisors and their strategic moves.

  • 08:45

    Cash Opinion (Cash Opinion)

    Cash Opinion (Cash Opinion)

    Cash Opinion

    Скучно? Нет! Потому что все эти темы подаются простым и понятным языком.

  • 09:00

    Crimea. Realities (Crimea. Realities)

    Crimea. Realities (Crimea. Realities)

    Crimea. Realities

    The program features news and stories of life in the Crimea under an increasingly authoritarian rule.

  • 09:30

    Come Visit Us! (Come Visit Us!)

    Come Visit Us! (Come Visit Us!)

    Come Visit Us!

    Travel and food show with Zurab Dvali.

  • 10:00

    Almost Grown-Ups (Almost Grown-Ups)

    Almost Grown-Ups (Almost Grown-Ups)

    Under the Sicilian sunlight, Oscar collects scrap metal with his father. At the other end of town, Stanley the Nigerian migrant gets by thanks to small tasks given by the parish priest. Both share the same desire for a better life.

  • 12:00

    Current Series (Current Series)

    Current Series (Current Series)

    Current Series

    Всегда актуальные репортажи из горячих точек мира.

  • 12:00

    Comedians in exile (Comedians in exile)

    Comedians in exile (Comedians in exile)

    Comedians in exile

    Документальный сериал о стендап-комиках, которые шутят на актуальные и болезненные для общества темы в России. После вторжения России в Украину их выступления и видеопубликации стали невозможны. Юмористы уехали из России и поселились в Тбилиси.

  • 13:00

    Reporter (Reporter)

    Reporter (Reporter)


    Необычные истории из повседневной жизни

  • 13:15

    Cash Opinion (Cash Opinion)

    Cash Opinion (Cash Opinion)

    Cash Opinion

    Скучно? Нет! Потому что все эти темы подаются простым и понятным языком.

  • 13:30

    Europe in Focus (Europe in Focus)

    Europe in Focus (Europe in Focus)

    Europe in Focus

    News and reports from Europe.

  • 14:00

    Facets of Time (Facets of Time)

    Facets of Time (Facets of Time)

    Results of the week with Mumin Shakirov.

  • 15:00

    Almost Grown-Ups (Almost Grown-Ups)

    Almost Grown-Ups (Almost Grown-Ups)

    Under the Sicilian sunlight, Oscar collects scrap metal with his father. At the other end of town, Stanley the Nigerian migrant gets by thanks to small tasks given by the parish priest. Both share the same desire for a better life.

  • 17:00

    You Have the Right (You Have the Right)

    You Have the Right (You Have the Right)

    You Have the Right

    Professionals and non-professionals discuss human rights and human interests issues, important for everyone. You Have the Right with Maryana Torocheshnikova.

  • 18:00

    Signs of Life (Signs of Life)

    Signs of Life (Signs of Life)

    Signs of Life

    A weekly half hour documentary series profiling people and events that are making a difference in fighting despotism and corruption in Russia.

  • 18:30

    Special Project. Dock (Special Project. Dock)

    Special Project. Dock (Special Project. Dock)

    Special Project. Dock

    Special Project. Dock.

  • 19:00

    Real Talk (Real Talk)

    Real Talk (Real Talk)

    Real Talk

    A weekly program about the realities of our days, whether it be politics, economics or public discourse about culture, upbringing, education.

  • 19:30

    We can explain (We can explain)

    We can explain (We can explain)

    We can explain

    \\"Можем объяснить\\" - еженедельное аналитическое шоу от команды журналистов одноименного российского проекта. Эксклюзивные расследования, яркие гости и неудобные темы из области российской политики.

  • 20:00

    Newsday (Newsday)

    Newsday (Newsday)


    Еженедельная итоговая информационная программа из студии Голоса Америки в Вашингтоне.

  • 20:30

    New-York, New-York (New-York, New-York)

    New-York, New-York (New-York, New-York)

    New-York, New-York

    From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC.

  • 21:00

    Real Cinema (Real Cinema)

    Real Cinema (Real Cinema)

    Real Cinema

    Фильмы, о которых говорит мир, и те, что запрещены к показу: яркие люди, важные мировые события и личные истории, которыми хочется поделиться.

  • 21:00

    After Munich (After Munich)

    After Munich (After Munich)

    On September 5th, 1972, the tenth day of the Munich Olympics, the Palestinian terrorist group Black September stormed the Israeli athletes' quarters. The world watched live on television as eleven hostages were taken and later killed. For the first time, this story will be told through the eyes of four women.

  • 23:00

    Schemes (Schemes)

    Schemes (Schemes)


    From Kiev, this news magazine uses investigative journalism to uncover corruption throughout Ukraine.

  • 23:30

    Crossroad (Crossroad)

    Crossroad (Crossroad)


    The series consists of short documentaries on complex topics in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. This is an author's view of the problems and prospects of these regions. Real life close up.

  • 00:00

    Signs of Life (Signs of Life)

    Signs of Life (Signs of Life)

    Signs of Life

    A weekly half hour documentary series profiling people and events that are making a difference in fighting despotism and corruption in Russia.

  • 00:30

    Real Talk (Real Talk)

    Real Talk (Real Talk)

    Real Talk

    A weekly program about the realities of our days, whether it be politics, economics or public discourse about culture, upbringing, education.

  • 01:00

    Newsday (Newsday)

    Newsday (Newsday)


    Еженедельная итоговая информационная программа из студии Голоса Америки в Вашингтоне.

  • 03:00

    Turn Your Body to the Sun (Turn Your Body to the Sun)

    Turn Your Body to the Sun (Turn Your Body to the Sun)

    The incredible life story of a Soviet soldier of Tatar descent who was captured by the Nazis during WWII. Today, his daughter Sana is tracing the path of her silent father, trying to understand what made him the man she knew as a child, through his diaries, as well as various personal and public archives and registries. As she accompanies Sana in her journey, filmmaker Aliona van der Horst excavates film archives, to find traces of those millions of Soviet soldiers who were caught in the crossfire of fighting between dictators, who were there but were easily left out of the narrative of the global war.

  • 08:30

    Journalist's cookbook: Alexander Bortnikov (Journalist's cookbook: Alexander Bortnikov)

    Journalist's cookbook: Alexander Bortnikov (Journalist's cookbook: Alexander Bortnikov)

    Journalist's cookbook: Alexander Bortnikov

    Сергей Ежов рассказывает, как искать недвижимость чиновников и коррупционеров

  • 23:30

    Crossroad (Crossroad)

    Crossroad (Crossroad)


    The series consists of short documentaries on complex topics in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. This is an author's view of the problems and prospects of these regions. Real life close up.

  • 18:30

    European values: Working with emergency housing (European values: Working with emergency housing)

    European values: Working with emergency housing (European values: Working with emergency housing)

    European values: Working with emergency housing

    Знающие водители давно уже говорят о польском "дорожном чуде". В этом выпуске мы решили проверить это чудо и проехали по всем типам дорог Польши - от проселочных до автобанов. Увидим, как им это удалось, как ЕС создает трансъевропейскую дорожную сеть и узнаем, реальная ли ценность - европейское качество дорог?

  • 08:00

    Interview (Interview)

    Interview (Interview)


    Интервью с гражданским активистом и сооснователем проекта "Letter of Freedom" Иваном Любимовым.

  • 23:00

    So what happens? (So what happens?)

    So what happens? (So what happens?)

    So what happens?

    Власти Вены помогают горожанам снять или купить квартиру в 2раза дешевле рыночной цены. Программа доступного жилья в столице Австрии работает уже более 100 лет, ею пользуется более 60% населения двухмиллионного города - не только люди с невысокими доходами, но и средний класс. Съемочная группа проекта "Что же получается" отправилась в Вену, чтобы рассказать вам подробности и показать, как выглядит местное социальное жилье