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History HD

History Channel aizved savus skatītājus brīnumainā ceļojumā cauri laikiem, savienojot mūsdienu moderno pasauli ar vēstures aizraujošajām un pārsteidzošajām saknēm. Tas ir pagātnes apraksts, kas attēlo gan labi zināmus stāstus, gan atklāj vēstures detaļas, kas cauri laika ritumam palikušas apslēptas. Baudi HD kvalitātē!

  • 00:55

    Forged in Fire (Forged in Fire)

    Forged in Fire (Forged in Fire)

    Forged in Fire

    Broken blades and tears fall throughout two challenges and an unforgiving round of testing. In the final round, two smiths create a three-bladed African throwing knife called the Kpinga.

  • 01:40

    The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch)

    The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch)

    The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch

    When the team conducts their most ambitious experiment yet at the Triangle, they are shocked by what appears in the sky above Skinwalker Ranch.

  • 02:25

    Storage Wars (Storage Wars)

    Storage Wars (Storage Wars)

    Storage Wars

    The women outnumber the men in Rosamond, as Dusty and his girlfriend discover vintage TV memorabilia. Danielle and Lisa help Brandi to dig for gold, and what they find gives them pause. Kenny stumbles over what appears to be an exotic music box.

  • 02:45

    Storage Wars (Storage Wars)

    Storage Wars (Storage Wars)

    Storage Wars

    Lancaster is Ivy's honeypot, so everyone had better watch out or they might get stung. Lisa plans to use the right side of her brain when selecting lockers... or is it the left? While Dusty and "Tollbooth Lupe" do a mitzvah.

  • 03:10

    Storage Wars (Storage Wars)

    Storage Wars (Storage Wars)

    Storage Wars

    The buyers head out to Palm Springs, in search of higher end goods. Kenny tries to amp up the profit on an otherwise unimpressive unit. Rene sees quick potential where others don't and puts his pocket change into it.

  • 03:35

    Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)

    Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)

    Auction Hunters

    Allen and Ton head to San Diego and face off against a high roller. They discover a rare 1950s Master Pitch baseball machine and a 1980s Jaws of Life tool used by rescuers to pry open cars.

  • 04:00

    Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)

    Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)

    Auction Hunters

    Ton and Allen head up the Pacific coast to Oxnard, CA. They discover a 1940s embalming pump and one of the first electric bone saws. Later, the guys find a custom-built shark cage, but can this item keep the sharks at bay?

  • 04:20

    Pawn Stars (Pawn Stars)

    Pawn Stars (Pawn Stars)

    Pawn Stars

    When an all-star Dodger's baseball memorabilia bench faces Rick in the bottom of the ninth, will it be a grand slam sale or will he strike out? Then, a 19th century lock box bolts in. Will Corey hold the key to unlock a deal or will it get jammed?

  • 04:45

    Ancient Aliens (Ancient Aliens)

    Ancient Aliens (Ancient Aliens)

    Ancient Aliens

    Ancient astronaut theorists have suggested that many of the divine beings depicted in cultures throughout the world are not really divine - or mythological - but instead reflect extraterrestrial visitations that our ancestors did not understand.

  • 05:30

    Secrets in the Sand (Secrets in the Sand)

    Secrets in the Sand (Secrets in the Sand)

    Secrets in the Sand

    On the western bank of the Nile River, the remains of ten ancient crocodiles are excavated. The mystery of why millions of unusual circles of grass can be found in the inhospitable Namib Desert might finally be solved.

  • 06:15

    Pawn Stars (Pawn Stars)

    Pawn Stars (Pawn Stars)

    Pawn Stars

    Corey has an appetite for a deal when a Guns N' Roses collector box rocks into the shop. But will Corey end up in Paradise City, or out in the cold November rain?

  • 07:00

    Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)

    Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)

    Auction Hunters

    A nerdy auction buyer tests Ton and Allen's patience at a big container auction in Ventura. The guys discover a basket and burners for a hot air balloon and a 19th century German single shot rifle!

  • 07:20

    Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)

    Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)

    Auction Hunters

    Ton and Allen teach a cocky new auction hunter a lesson. They spot a 1940's-era shuffleboard table and uncover an early hot rod made from the fuel tank of a WWII fighter plane!

  • 07:40

    Forged in Fire (Forged in Fire)

    Forged in Fire (Forged in Fire)

    Forged in Fire

    Broken blades and tears fall throughout two challenges and an unforgiving round of testing. In the final round, two smiths create a three-bladed African throwing knife called the Kpinga.

  • 08:25

    Pawn Stars (Pawn Stars)

    Pawn Stars (Pawn Stars)

    Pawn Stars

    Corey has an appetite for a deal when a Guns N' Roses collector box rocks into the shop. But will Corey end up in Paradise City, or out in the cold November rain?

  • 09:10

    Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)

    Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)

    Auction Hunters

    Ton and Allen head to Torrance, CA, a secret auction hunting gold mine. They score a turn-of-the-century Thomas Edison gramophone with rare wax cylindrical records and a one-man Addictor 190 Mini Boat designed for high-speed fun.

  • 09:30

    Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)

    Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)

    Auction Hunters

    Ton and Allen win mobile storage vaults and discover an "80s Ms. Pac-Man arcade machine and a rare Air Jordan vintage shoe collection. A Harley V-twin EVO engine and revolutionary 1958 dual-suspension swingarm frame could rev the guys" wallets.

  • 09:50

    Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)

    Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)

    Auction Hunters

    Ton and Allen head to Ft. Lauderdale to face off against a major auction player. They uncover a retro Williams Disco pinball machine, an 1898 saloon dice gambling device, and put a vintage talking breathalyser to the test.

  • 10:15

    Storage Wars (Storage Wars)

    Storage Wars (Storage Wars)

    Storage Wars

    Brandi is fired up about expanding her brand in San Bernardino. Rene is positive that everyone is out to get him. Dusty tackles a locker dustier than him. Kenny... well he's just a mess.

  • 10:35

    Storage Wars (Storage Wars)

    Storage Wars (Storage Wars)

    Storage Wars

    Lisa returns to Moreno Valley, where it all started, and gets nostalgic with her locker. Kenny welcomes a new granddaughter to the clan and would love to find an appropriate unit. Dusty and Lupe put a little elbow grease into their purchase.

  • 10:55

    Storage Wars (Storage Wars)

    Storage Wars (Storage Wars)

    Storage Wars

    The sun is beating down in Oceanside, bringing out all the parasols. Dusty and Lupe steal a no-brainer locker and it pays off. Darrell taxes himself and it almost puts him in storage jail. Brandi and Lisa ultimately "re-cover" their investment.

  • 11:15

    Storage Wars (Storage Wars)

    Storage Wars (Storage Wars)

    Storage Wars

    While in Santa Ana, Lisa channels her grandmother, in trying to turn a profit. Brandi is dealing with the most frustrating day ever. Darrell tries to make a meal out of a snack-sized locker and Kenny learns to prep himself for true stealthiness.

  • 11:40

    Storage Wars (Storage Wars)

    Storage Wars (Storage Wars)

    Storage Wars

    Lisa comes to Montebello with a clear mind, intent on letting the lockers speak to her. Ivy lets his son navigate his way to a unit which turns out not to be completely vacant. Kenny is absolutely appalled by what he finds abandoned in his unit.

  • 12:05

    Forged in Fire (Forged in Fire)

    Forged in Fire (Forged in Fire)

    Forged in Fire

    The competition shifts into high gear when the smiths are tasked with turning the rusted steel of a 1971 Mercury Cougar into an elite military weapon known as the Yatagan.

  • 12:45

    Pawn Stars (Pawn Stars)

    Pawn Stars (Pawn Stars)

    Pawn Stars

    A seller walks into the shop hoping to score with his Magic Johnson 50th birthday invitation. Is the deal a slam dunk? Chum takes a look at joker cards used as props in "The Dark Knight." Will he play his cards right, or will the seller pull an act?

  • 13:30

    The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch)

    The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch)

    The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch

    When the team conducts their most ambitious experiment yet at the Triangle, they are shocked by what appears in the sky above Skinwalker Ranch.

  • 14:15

    Ancient Aliens (Ancient Aliens)

    Ancient Aliens (Ancient Aliens)

    Ancient Aliens

    Ancient astronaut theorists have suggested that many of the divine beings depicted in cultures throughout the world are not really divine - or mythological - but instead reflect extraterrestrial visitations that our ancestors did not understand.

  • 14:55

    Secrets in the Sand (Secrets in the Sand)

    Secrets in the Sand (Secrets in the Sand)

    Secrets in the Sand

    On the western bank of the Nile River, the remains of ten ancient crocodiles are excavated. The mystery of why millions of unusual circles of grass can be found in the inhospitable Namib Desert might finally be solved.

  • 15:40

    Ancient Aliens (Ancient Aliens)

    Ancient Aliens (Ancient Aliens)

    Ancient Aliens

    Ancient Aliens is counting down the top ten disasters ever documented with a possible otherworldly connection, from a flying monster at a nuclear incident, a meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs, and a deadly virus that might be from another world.

  • 16:20

    Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)

    Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)

    Auction Hunters

    Ton and Allen travel to Miami and score an early digital NASA missile countdown clock and a one-of-a-kind '60s Delta Relay rocket. Later, they unearth an '80s Air Commander hovercraft, but will this monster still rule any terrain with Ton on board?

  • 16:40

    Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)

    Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)

    Auction Hunters

    Ton and Allen brave the cold in Chicago and uncover a 1984 Yamaha SS440 Snowmobile that introduced the revolutionary shock absorber suspension. They also find an autographed 1920s baseball glove and an authentic 1950s Robby the Robot collector toy.

  • 17:00

    Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)

    Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)

    Auction Hunters

    In the Windy City, Ton and Allen face off with the infamous auction hunter Chicago Charles in a heated showdown. They discover a metal Victorian era burial casket that kept hundreds of bodies and hazardous 1870s glass fire extinguisher grenades.

  • 17:25

    Pawn Stars (Pawn Stars)

    Pawn Stars (Pawn Stars)

    Pawn Stars

    When an original Beach Boys surfboard rides into the shop, will Rick hang ten or will he have a gnarly wipe out? Later, things get psychedelic with an original Peter Max Statue of Liberty painting. Will Rick liberate a deal or will it get torched?

  • 17:45

    Pawn Stars (Pawn Stars)

    Pawn Stars (Pawn Stars)

    Pawn Stars

    Rick and Chum kick it with a rare pair of Pumas from 1968. But will a shocking sticker price leave them in the dust, or can they race their way to a deal?

  • 18:25

    The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch)

    The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch)

    The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch

    With winter approaching and time running out, the team performs a three-dimensional scan of Skinwalker Ranch and makes an incredible discovery that may help explain some of the bizarre phenomena they have encountered on the property.

  • 19:10

    Ancient Aliens (Ancient Aliens)

    Ancient Aliens (Ancient Aliens)

    Ancient Aliens

    MUFON is the world's leading organization devoted to the scientific investigation of unidentified aerial phenomena and other unexplained encounters. Could MUFON's extensive database contain definitive proof of extraterrestrial visitation?

  • 19:50

    Storage Wars (Storage Wars)

    Storage Wars (Storage Wars)

    Storage Wars

    Ivy takes on a supervisory role in Stanton and it leads him to a bit of Slavic success. Brandi tries to help Danielle outfit her new apartment. Lisa gambles on a painting.

  • 20:10

    Storage Wars (Storage Wars)

    Storage Wars (Storage Wars)

    Storage Wars

    Dusty and Lupe pedal their way to an auction in Fullerton, but end up needing the truck. Darrell pins his hopes on a small locker for which he overpaid. Rene makes the most of "the Honeymoon unit" and things get a bit racy.

  • 20:35

    Forged in Fire (Forged in Fire)

    Forged in Fire (Forged in Fire)

    Forged in Fire

    With a variety of steels to choose from, the smiths are forced to create a canister Damascus billet from which they must forge a dagger. Which of our gladiators will be named the Forged in Fire Champion and take home the $10,000 prize?

  • 21:15

    Ancient Aliens (Ancient Aliens)

    Ancient Aliens (Ancient Aliens)

    Ancient Aliens

    Since the launch of the Kepler Telescope in 2009, scientists have identified thousands of planets capable of supporting life. Is it possible that this discovery could finally answer the age-old question: are we alone in the universe?

  • 22:00

    Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Water (Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Water)

    Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Water (Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Water)

    Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Water

    The team has a chance to solve the case of the USS Cyclops. Missing since 1918 with 309 sailors, this 500-foot freighter represents the single deadliest Bermuda Triangle loss. The divers race two hurricanes to investigate a new target further north.

  • 22:45

    The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch)

    The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch)

    The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch

    While drilling into the Mesa on Skinwalker Ranch, the team makes a shocking discovery.

  • 23:30

    The Proof Is Out There (The Proof Is Out There)

    The Proof Is Out There (The Proof Is Out There)

    The Proof Is Out There

    Did a trail camera in Michigan capture footage of the elusive sasquatch? What caused a large flock of blackbirds to plunge to their deaths in Mexico?

  • 00:15

    Forged in Fire (Forged in Fire)

    Forged in Fire (Forged in Fire)

    Forged in Fire

    With a variety of steels to choose from, the smiths are forced to create a canister Damascus billet from which they must forge a dagger. Which of our gladiators will be named the Forged in Fire Champion and take home the $10,000 prize?

  • 00:55

    Forged in Fire (Forged in Fire)

    Forged in Fire (Forged in Fire)

    Forged in Fire

    The competition shifts into high gear when the smiths are tasked with turning the rusted steel of a 1971 Mercury Cougar into an elite military weapon known as the Yatagan.