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Travel Channel HD

Travel Channel piedāvā ceļojumus, kas iedvesmo, pārsteidz un izklaidē. Tie ļauj ne tikai iepazīt pasauli, bet iegūt brīnišķīgu pieredzi un saskatīt brīnumus tur, kur pārējie tos neredz. Lieliski stāsti, brīnumaini galamērķi un atklāsme, ka dzīve ir ceļojums.

  • 01:00

    Ghost Brothers (Ghost Brothers)

    Ghost Brothers (Ghost Brothers)

    Ghost Brothers

    The Ghost Brothers head to The Magnolia Plantation in Louisiana to investigate claims of deceased slaves still practising voodoo in the afterlife.

  • 02:00

    Ghost Brothers (Ghost Brothers)

    Ghost Brothers (Ghost Brothers)

    Ghost Brothers

    Prospect Place was once a stop on the Underground Railroad. This historic mansion lures the Ghost Brothers to find out if evil entities still reside on the property.

  • 03:00

    Portals To Hell (Portals To Hell)

    Portals To Hell (Portals To Hell)

    Portals To Hell

    Jack and Katrina investigate Connecticut's most-haunted bed and breakfast. The owner has been possessed twice and has even led an exorcism.

  • 04:00

    Haunted Towns (Haunted Towns)

    Haunted Towns (Haunted Towns)

    The Tennessee Wraith Chasers head to Massachusetts, to investigate the infamous Salem witch trials. Why do spirits continue to haunt this quaint New England town?

  • 05:00

    Mountain Monsters (Mountain Monsters)

    Mountain Monsters (Mountain Monsters)

    Mountain Monsters

    The AIMS team meet with their leader Trapper who reveals a clue they have been missing. With the new information they try again to find the Cherokee Devil.

  • 06:00

    Kindred Spirits (Kindred Spirits)

    Kindred Spirits (Kindred Spirits)

    Kindred Spirits

    Amy, Adam and Chip are granted exclusive access to the Paramount Theatre in New Jersey. The location's bright future is marred by a tragic past.

  • 07:00

    Building Alaska (Building Alaska)

    Building Alaska (Building Alaska)

    Building Alaska

    Lee is down to a crew of three as he races to finish the cabin before the lake freezes. Derek's crew must push through endless rainfall to complete the project.

  • 08:00

    Ice Cold Gold (Ice Cold Gold)

    Ice Cold Gold (Ice Cold Gold)

    Ice Cold Gold

    In the summer, the massive ice sheet melts on Greenland, revealing immense mineral wealth in the virgin rock for a group of eight American prospectors.

  • 09:00

    Treasure Quest (Treasure Quest)

    Treasure Quest (Treasure Quest)

    Treasure Quest

    In the English Channel, Odyssey Marine Exploration finds a ship's bronze bell. Is it part of the legendary Merchant Royal, or have they stumbled upon another shipwreck?

  • 10:00

    Alaska Monsters (Alaska Monsters)

    Alaska Monsters (Alaska Monsters)

    Alaska Monsters

    After discovering a dangerous alpha Bigfoot leading a tree clan, the team designs a Bed of Nails Trap to capture the aggressive leader.

  • 11:00

    Mysteries At The Museum (Mysteries At The Museum)

    Mysteries At The Museum (Mysteries At The Museum)

    Mysteries At The Museum

    Don examines a programme from one of the most controversial films of all time. And, he inspects a sign that advertised an infamous vaudeville act.

  • 12:00

    Expedition Unknown (Expedition Unknown)

    Expedition Unknown (Expedition Unknown)

    Expedition Unknown

    In the former Third Reich, Josh is trying to crack a code allegedly embedded by Hitler's secretary into sheet music. Could it lead to Nazi gold?

  • 13:00

    Kindred Spirits (Kindred Spirits)

    Kindred Spirits (Kindred Spirits)

    Kindred Spirits

    Amy, Adam and Chip are granted exclusive access to the Paramount Theatre in New Jersey. The location's bright future is marred by a tragic past.

  • 14:00

    Building Alaska (Building Alaska)

    Building Alaska (Building Alaska)

    Building Alaska

    Extreme building is back in Alaska. Three men risk it all to build a remote hunting cabin, an off the grid bear lodge and an island retreat.

  • 15:00

    Ice Cold Gold (Ice Cold Gold)

    Ice Cold Gold (Ice Cold Gold)

    Ice Cold Gold

    The miners have their first target on Storø. Finding accessible targets within close distance to the camp is crucial for the success of the expedition.

  • 16:00

    Treasure Quest (Treasure Quest)

    Treasure Quest (Treasure Quest)

    Treasure Quest

    The Odyssey Marine Exploration has found a wreck littered with bronze cannon. Can they identify the ship and does it hold the bounty of gold they are looking for?

  • 17:00

    Alaska Monsters (Alaska Monsters)

    Alaska Monsters (Alaska Monsters)

    Alaska Monsters

    The AMS investigate a water-based Bigfoot, meaning the team must use speedboats, kayaks, and water traps to capture this elusive creature.

  • 18:00

    Mysteries At The Museum (Mysteries At The Museum)

    Mysteries At The Museum (Mysteries At The Museum)

    Mysteries At The Museum

    Don inspects a set of tools that belonged to a man who changed America's railroads. And, he examines a journal that tells the story of a risky experiment.

  • 19:00

    Expedition Unknown (Expedition Unknown)

    Expedition Unknown (Expedition Unknown)

    Expedition Unknown

    Josh is in the Holy Land to dig in with an archaeologist who has unearthed new Dead Sea Scrolls. He gets rare access to examine scroll fragments.

  • 20:00

    Kindred Spirits (Kindred Spirits)

    Kindred Spirits (Kindred Spirits)

    Kindred Spirits

    Amy, Adam and Chip visit a desolate island off the coast of Rhode Island. Will they uncover the truth behind reports of paranormal activity in the area?

  • 21:00

    Ghost Brothers (Ghost Brothers)

    Ghost Brothers (Ghost Brothers)

    Ghost Brothers

    The boys are in Cleveland, Ohio to explore a former funeral home. The building was made to trap energy and may explain reports of a dark presence and apparitions.

  • 22:00

    These Woods Are Haunted (These Woods Are Haunted)

    These Woods Are Haunted (These Woods Are Haunted)

    A teenager sneaks out of her home to go on a double date. But she soon finds herself attacked by what she believes is an aggressive dogman.

  • 23:00

    Ghost Adventures (Ghost Adventures)

    Ghost Adventures (Ghost Adventures)

    Ghost Adventures

    The guys are in Venice to scope out Poveglia Island. The place was used as a plague quarantine station and psychiatric hospital but is now banned to tourists.

  • 00:00

    Mountain Monsters (Mountain Monsters)

    Mountain Monsters (Mountain Monsters)

    Mountain Monsters

    The AIMS team set off to track down one of the cloaked figures at the heart of the Spearfinger mystery. However, the red shed might hold all the answers.

  • 01:00

    The Osbournes Want To Believe (The Osbournes Want To Believe)

    The Osbournes Want To Believe (The Osbournes Want To Believe)

    The Osbournes hop into their DeLorean for a game of celebrity time traveller. Plus, Ozzy gets closer to becoming a believer in UFOs.