Animal Planet raidījumi atklāj mūsu planētas dzīvnieku pasauli visā tās daudzveidībā. Vienreizēji kadri un aizraujoši stāsti par dzīvnieku pasaules pārstāvjiem, kuri skrien, lido, peld un rāpo, raidījumi visu diennakti piesaistīs kā pieaugušo, tā arī bērnu uzmanību.
Rugged Justice (Rugged Justice)
In busy waters, Washington's Fish and Wildlife respond to a boating accident victim. Then the officers face a suspect with a dangerous past.
The Last Alaskans (The Last Alaskans)
As winter approaches Heimo and his daughter Krinn hunt for caribou. Ashley and Tyler reunite and continue building the new cabin before the cold weather sets in.
Amanda to the Rescue (Amanda to the Rescue)
Amanda teams up with Tia Torres to help a Great Dane with a serious brain issue. Plus, she meets a French bulldog whose medical condition is quickly deteriorating.
Swimming With Monsters: Steve Backshall (Swimming With Monsters: Steve Backshall)
In the Sea of Cortez, Steve studies the hunting behaviour of the Humboldt squid, using himself as bait. Can he avoid being dragged into the abyss?
Rugged Justice (Rugged Justice)
In busy waters, Washington's Fish and Wildlife respond to a boating accident victim. Then the officers face a suspect with a dangerous past.
Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet (Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet)
Coco the Frenchie needs Dr. Jeff's help to remove a large lump from her face. Meanwhile, vet tech Christine faces her fear of birds while helping pigeons.
Insane Pools Off the Deep End (Insane Pools Off the Deep End)
Lucas faces an epic challenge building a pool fit for a Roman palace on the Gulf of Mexico. Far outside his comfort zone, he even taps emperor Caesar for help.
Amanda to the Rescue (Amanda to the Rescue)
Amanda teams up with Tia Torres to help a Great Dane with a serious brain issue. Plus, she meets a French bulldog whose medical condition is quickly deteriorating.
My Cat from Hell (My Cat from Hell)
Jackson meets an outdoor cat named Henery, who having been forced to live inside, has protested by soaking the place in pee.
My Cat from Hell (My Cat from Hell)
Jackson faces the vicious claws of a troubled cat who's terrorizing a family about to bring home a newborn baby. Plus, he meets an inspirational cat named Skinny.
Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet (Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet)
Coco the Frenchie needs Dr. Jeff's help to remove a large lump from her face. Meanwhile, vet tech Christine faces her fear of birds while helping pigeons.
Insane Pools Off the Deep End (Insane Pools Off the Deep End)
Lucas faces an epic challenge building a pool fit for a Roman palace on the Gulf of Mexico. Far outside his comfort zone, he even taps emperor Caesar for help.
Amanda to the Rescue (Amanda to the Rescue)
Amanda teams up with Tia Torres to help a Great Dane with a serious brain issue. Plus, she meets a French bulldog whose medical condition is quickly deteriorating.
Saved By the Barn (Saved By the Barn)
Dan races to North Carolina to rescue a group of pigs from horrific living conditions. Plus, the organisation's new sign is put on display.
Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet (Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet)
Dr. Jeff and vet tech Ben head to a remote island in Panama to help with the pet population. And, a sickly Sphynx kitten needs serious medical attention.
Insane Pools Off the Deep End (Insane Pools Off the Deep End)
Lucas creates the lifelong dream pool of a retiring military couple, by designing the largest grotto-enclosed spa and widest waterfall of his career.
Amanda to the Rescue (Amanda to the Rescue)
Amanda faces one of her most challenging rescues when a puppy arrives with serious neurological issues. Plus, a Chihuahua terrier mix bounces back from an injury.
Intruders (Intruders)
A family in Arkansas move into a house already home to a deadly infestation of spiders. In Florida, a dream home is surrounded by venomous snakes.
Legends Of the Wild (Legends Of the Wild)
In the jungles of Luzon Province, locals believe a vampire-like evil spirit is picking off villagers. Could this be the work of a jungle predator?
Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet (Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet)
Coco the Frenchie needs Dr. Jeff's help to remove a large lump from her face. Meanwhile, vet tech Christine faces her fear of birds while helping pigeons.
Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet (Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet)
Dr. Jeff discovers a large mass on a loveable canine. Vet tech Kelly treats her dog's sun-damaged nose, and Dr. Baier and Hector join forces to treat wild bison
Insane Pools Off the Deep End (Insane Pools Off the Deep End)
Lucas takes on the nearly impossible challenge of transforming a tiny, suburban backyard into a luxurious five-star, resort-worthy pool space.
Crikey! It's the Irwins (Crikey! It's the Irwins)
After weeks of being closed due to the pandemic, the Irwins prepare for the reopening of the zoo. Plus, Robert helps deliver a litter of tiger cubs.
Expedition Bigfoot (Expedition Bigfoot)
Mireya's darkest nightmare comes true. Meanwhile, Russell investigates a possible Bigfoot underwater passageway.
Expedition Bigfoot (Expedition Bigfoot)
The team believes they've finally narrowed down where Bigfoot has been hiding throughout their expedition. A high-tech drone is brought in to investigate.
The Last Alaskans (The Last Alaskans)
Winter in the Arctic Refuge usually means time for action. But this year, low snowfall slows them down - snow machines and dogsleds are useless in these conditions.
Zoltan the Wolfman (Zoltan the Wolfman)
A new reality adventure series about Zoltan Horkai, a wild animal specialist who trains animals for the film and TV industry.
Crikey! It's the Irwins (Crikey! It's the Irwins)
Chandler must handle a koala crisis, while Terri lends a hand to care for an influx of puggles. Plus, a turtle called Billy undergoes a critical surgery.