Labākais par dzīvniekiem, dabu, vēsturi, zinātni, kultūru un piedzīvojumu ceļojumiem HD kvalitātē.
Noķert kontrabandistu (Noķert kontrabandistu)
Muitas un robežkontroles dienests un Iekšzemes izmeklēšanas dienests sadarbojas ar Vācijas tiesībaizsardzības iestādēm, lai izsekotu 30 000 ekstazī tablešu 500 000 ASV dolāru vērtībā saņēmēju Filadelfijā. Uz dienvidu robežas Muitas un robežkontroles dienesta amatpersona iesācējs atklāj savu pirmo metamfetamīna kravu vairāk nekā 140 000 ASV dolāru vērtībā. Savukārt Ņujorkā Muitas un robežkontroles dienests konfiscē aizliegtus pārtikas produktus, kas apdraud ASV lauksaimniecību, un atklāj senu hinduistu dievietes statuju, kas kontrabandas ceļā ievesta caur Honkongu.
Lidostas drošība: augstākā klase (Lidostas drošība: augstākā klase)
Pārvadātāji saskarsmē ar amatpersonām bieži uzvedas izaicinoši, taču beigās salūzt. Protestu un noliegšanas gadījumi lidostas drošības dienesta pieredzē Kolumbijā un Peru. Māsas noliedz, ka ir norijušas narkotikas, taču salūzt, kad viena atklāj, ka ir stāvoklī. Piedzēries vīrietis noliedz, ka reģistrētā soma ir viņa, taču tiek arestēts un atzīstas. Jauna sieviete apgalvo, ka ir nevainīga, bet, iespējams, garīgi slima. Jauns vīrietis ar šķidru kokaīnu alū vispirms melo, bet tad salūzt.
Noķert kontrabandistu (Noķert kontrabandistu)
MIA CBP meklē pasažieri, kas regulāri ceļo uz Kolumbiju. Pēc iztaujāšanas rodas aizdomas, ka viņš pārvadā narkotikas. Izmeklētāji pārmeklē bagāžu, cenšoties būt soli priekšā karteļiem. Ņujorkas Kenedija lidostā HSI seko līdzi ecstasy piegādei. Losandželoā divi pasažieri tiek iztaujāti par saviem ceļojumiem. Vienam no viņiem pagātnes pieredze ar narkotikām var izrādīties izšķiroša.
Noķert kontrabandistu (Noķert kontrabandistu)
HSI investigates a suspicious baggage handler at JFK and uncovers an international criminal organization using airline employees to traffic cocaine into the U.S. New information leads to arrests and seizures across the country, including a takedown right outside the JFK terminal. CBP MIA suspect a passenger is smuggling cocaine in her shoes, and CBP LAX crack down on counterfeit items, seizing fake goods worth an estimated $500,000.
Nosusinot okeānus (Nosusinot okeānus)
Vairāk nekā 50 gadu garumā divi pasaules smagsvari - ASV un PSRS - savus resursus veltīja pastardienas ieroču izstrādē un militāro vajadzību apmierināšanā. Aukstais karš ir pirmā pasaules kodolkonfrontācija. Tāpat tas ir bijis visdrošākais karš - izpildīts, bez upuriem un redzamām sekām. Nu jaunākie dati atklās, kā norisinājās šis kodolbruņojuma karš.
Aviokatastrofu izmeklēšana: īpašais ziņojums (Aviokatastrofu izmeklēšana: īpašais ziņojums)
Polijas prezidents Lehs Kačinskis tiek nogalināts lidmašīnas avārijā, kad lidaparāts biezā miglā cenšas nosēsties Krievijas militārajā lidlaukā. Polija un Krievija sāk oficiālās izmeklēšanas, lai atrastu negadījuma iemeslus. Sākotnēji šķiet, ka vainojami piloti, tomēr turpmākās izmeklēšanas atklāj, ka šajā traģēdijā būtiski ir vairāki citi faktori.
Muļķību zinātne (Muļķību zinātne)
Dallas Campbell hosts the show that combines serious science with some of the craziest, most spectacular user generated clips ever recorded. In this episode we learn the science behind predators hunting, how to control a helicopter and flammability.
Muļķību zinātne (Muļķību zinātne)
Dallas Campbell hosts the show that combines serious science with some of the craziest, most spectacular user generated clips ever recorded. In this episode we learn the science behind the fails, when using inflatable slides, trying swing burpees and attempting a kitesurf roll.
Grūtākie remontdarbi pasaulē (Grūtākie remontdarbi pasaulē)
A mammoth five-lane bridge must be moved two miles and dropped into place on a major US highway in Salt Lake City, without stopping traffic.
Grūtākie remontdarbi pasaulē (Grūtākie remontdarbi pasaulē)
Sean Riley works with some of the world's top engineers and mechanics to show how seemingly impossible fixes are accomplished.
Nosusinot okeānus (Nosusinot okeānus)
Nosusini okeānu demonstrēs pirmo akurāto 3D karti par alu, kurā no nāves tika izglābti 12 zēni.
Nosusinot okeānus (Nosusinot okeānus)
Ekspedīcija meklē ikoniskākos kauju vrakus, tostarp kuģi, kas pārvadāja Hirosimas atombumbu - USS Indianapolis.
Zemes invāzija (Zemes invāzija)
In this episode of Planet UFO, we visit a small Amazonian fishing community called Colares that was seemingly terrorized by UFOs in the late 1970's. Dozens of residents claim to have been the victims of beams of light, shining down on them from UFOs, draining them of energy and leaving them with strange cuts. We also travel to Victoria, Australia where, in 1966, a young driver is killed on an empty stretch of road late at night. There are no witnesses to his crash but it comes to light that someone else reported seeing a UFO in the same place several days before. Finally, we examine a police helicopter's encounter with an unusual object over Louisville, Kentucky.
Zemes invāzija (Zemes invāzija)
In this episode, witnesses in Texas claim their confusing physical illnesses are the result of a massive, fiery, diamond-shaped object; a mass sighting in Arizona of lights gliding across the sky prompts accusations of a government cover-up by some; and in the skies above Brazil, jet fighters play a high stakes game of cat and mouse with unknown lights.
Ledaino ceļu glābēji (Ledaino ceļu glābēji)
On a steep hillside, high above the fjord, Bjoern risks everything to rescue a tractor that threatens to fall - and take him with it. Thord gets stuck in the mud after a truck sinks deep in a farmers field. When his tow-truck cant get a grip, he must think on his feet. In the North, Jo Roger gets ready to rescue an overturned container truck, but when a winch wire slips, he fears disaster.
Ledaino ceļu glābēji (Ledaino ceļu glābēji)
Racing to a rescue, rookie Terjes in big trouble when he crashes Thords tow-truck. In the hills, Eirik searches for a garbage truck thats been driven down a sheep-track. Bjoern heads out to rescue a forty-tonner which over-turned into a snow ditch. His men must dig under the trailer to make tunnels for the tow straps, but if the snow collapses under the trucks weight, they risk being crushed.
Aviokatastrofu izmeklēšana: īpašais ziņojums (Aviokatastrofu izmeklēšana: īpašais ziņojums)
Santa Barbara Airlines reiss #518. 2008.gada 21.februāris. Lidmašīna paceļas no Meridas lidostas Spānijā. Vien sešas minūtes vēlāk lidaparāta trauksmes sistēma ziņo, ka ATR ir bīstami tuvu zemei.
Aviokatastrofu izmeklēšana: īpašais ziņojums (Aviokatastrofu izmeklēšana: īpašais ziņojums)
Above France, a highly trained crew puts a commercial airliner to the test. But as they prepare to land, the captain suddenly loses control.
Aviokatastrofu izmeklēšana: īpašais ziņojums (Aviokatastrofu izmeklēšana: īpašais ziņojums)
Īsajā lidojumā uz Taiti lidmašīna pēkšņi sāk zuadēt augstumu, iekrītot okeānā un nogalinot visus 20 cilvēkus, kas atradās gaisa kuģī.
Zemes invāzija (Zemes invāzija)
In this episode we go on board with a Japanese Airlines cargo plane over north-eastern Alaska, as it is seemingly followed by UFOs at 35,000 feet. The incident sparks an FAA investigation and claims of secret involvement by the FBI and CIA. We also travel to Westall, a town on the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia. In April 1966, this unassuming suburb was home to a mass daylight sighting of a UFO. Finally, we explore a bizarre series of UFO sightings in a remote town in northern Peru. The incidents, caught on video by a local photographer, spark off an investigation by a newly formed government department.
Zemes invāzija (Zemes invāzija)
Deep in the Arctic Circle, in the winter of 2009, the skies of Northern Norway are lit up by an incredible but seemingly inexplicable light display. In 2006 one of the world's busiest airports is enveloped by UFO reports that come from the staff of a major US airline. Lastly we go back to the early years of the UFO phenomena and re-live the public scare of the great Washington UFO flap of 1952. Are there rational, scientific explanations for these fantastic events? Subject the scrutiny of investigative journalists and academic experts why do suspicions of conspiracy and cover-ups remain? Will the truth ever be revealed? Invasion Earth endeavours to expose the truth.
Zemes invāzija (Zemes invāzija)
Invasion earth brings extraordinary and baffling cases of unidentified flying objects to life through powerful eyewitness testimony, graphics, drama reconstruction and original archive. In Kaikoura, New Zealand strange lights are witnessed by pilots and confirmed on radar. The story turns global when a film crew capture the phenomena on film and the Government is forced to investigate. Deep in the jungle of Vietnam a group of US paratroopers have an extraordinary encounter. A bright light rises up from the forest floor and disappears into space. Both American and Viet Cong soldiers are terrified and the following day the paratroopers find the enemy have fled. And hundreds of UFO sightings sweep across the UK. The mysterious spheres of fire are caught on camera and one nearly collides with a police helicopter. Finally, one young couple come forward claiming to be responsible.
Zemes invāzija (Zemes invāzija)
Many UFO sightings have been dismissed as the products of unreliable witnesses or hoaxes. But a few are harder to explain. INVASION EARTH retells and reconstructs incidents from all over the world. With the help of a panel of experts, all the evidence is tested. In this episode, Canadian villagers see a string of lights crash into the ocean, sparking a major investigation. In New Zealand, a mysterious object streaks across the country in broad daylight - but what is it? And in Iran, jets are scrambled to deal with a brightly coloured UFO, leading to an astonishing dogfight.
Ledaino ceļu glābēji (Ledaino ceļu glābēji)
Severe winter weather brings chaos to the mountains and Thords running out of options. Hes rescuing a fifty-tonner when another emergency call comes in. Bjoern does Thord a big favour, leaves his territory and takes a ferry to the coast to rescue a snowplough. In the North, in minus 20 degrees celsius, Jo Roger takes on a frontloader thats crashed onto its side and blocks the main road south.
Ledaino ceļu glābēji (Ledaino ceļu glābēji)
Jo Roger and Ole Henrik struggle to rescue a trailer load of salt that threatens to pollute Norways biggest salmon river. Any slip-up could cause an environmental disaster. In the south, Thord must save a truck that hit the crash barrier so hard it risked catapulting over a cliff edge. Elsewhere, rookie Orjan tackles a tractor with a broken axle - but a winch-wire snap-back threatens disaster.
Ledaino ceļu glābēji (Ledaino ceļu glābēji)
In the long dark winter nights, theres no time to sleep for the ice road heroes. When a truck smashes into a crash barrier and tips over, Thord and Bjoern work into the small hours saving the cargo of fresh salmon. In the North, Jo Rogers called out of his bed to rescue a truck buried in deep snow. But when his tow truck loses grip on the iced-up road, lack of sleep is the least of his problems.
Lidostas drošība: augstākā klase (Lidostas drošība: augstākā klase)
Bezpalīdzīgi pārvadātāji un nodoti cilvēki. Lidostas drošības dienesta darbinieki Kolumbijā un Peru nedrīkst zaudēt modrību. Sievietes draugs palūdz viņai paņemt pudeles. Viņa nenojauš, ka tajās ir šķidrs kokaīns. Vīrietis, kura čemodānā ir kokaīns, apgalvo, ka par to atbildīgs ir viņa znots. Sieviete no ASV, iespējams, ir iemānīta narkotiku kontrabandā. Celtniekam ir iedota soma ar kokaīnu. Viens no diviem ukraiņu draugiem apgalvo, ka viņu ir apmānījis otrs.
Aviokatastrofu izmeklēšana: īpašais ziņojums (Aviokatastrofu izmeklēšana: īpašais ziņojums)
NOAA 42 Lockheed p-3 Orion A komanda ir nonākusi izmisuma pilnā situācijā - lidojuma laikā viņu lidmašīnas dzinējs ir aizdedzies.
Muļķību zinātne (Muļķību zinātne)
Dallas Campbell hosts the show that combines serious science with some of the craziest, most spectacular user generated clips ever recorded. In this episode we learn the science behind the fails, when using inflatable slides, trying swing burpees and attempting a kitesurf roll.
Ledaino ceļu glābēji (Ledaino ceļu glābēji)
On a steep hillside, high above the fjord, Bjoern risks everything to rescue a tractor that threatens to fall - and take him with it. Thord gets stuck in the mud after a truck sinks deep in a farmers field. When his tow-truck cant get a grip, he must think on his feet. In the North, Jo Roger gets ready to rescue an overturned container truck, but when a winch wire slips, he fears disaster.
Ledaino ceļu glābēji (Ledaino ceļu glābēji)
Racing to a rescue, rookie Terjes in big trouble when he crashes Thords tow-truck. In the hills, Eirik searches for a garbage truck thats been driven down a sheep-track. Bjoern heads out to rescue a forty-tonner which over-turned into a snow ditch. His men must dig under the trailer to make tunnels for the tow straps, but if the snow collapses under the trucks weight, they risk being crushed.
Ledaino ceļu glābēji (Ledaino ceļu glābēji)
Severe winter weather brings chaos to the mountains and Thords running out of options. Hes rescuing a fifty-tonner when another emergency call comes in. Bjoern does Thord a big favour, leaves his territory and takes a ferry to the coast to rescue a snowplough. In the North, in minus 20 degrees celsius, Jo Roger takes on a frontloader thats crashed onto its side and blocks the main road south.
Ledaino ceļu glābēji (Ledaino ceļu glābēji)
Jo Roger and Ole Henrik struggle to rescue a trailer load of salt that threatens to pollute Norways biggest salmon river. Any slip-up could cause an environmental disaster. In the south, Thord must save a truck that hit the crash barrier so hard it risked catapulting over a cliff edge. Elsewhere, rookie Orjan tackles a tractor with a broken axle - but a winch-wire snap-back threatens disaster.
Ledaino ceļu glābēji (Ledaino ceļu glābēji)
In the long dark winter nights, theres no time to sleep for the ice road heroes. When a truck smashes into a crash barrier and tips over, Thord and Bjoern work into the small hours saving the cargo of fresh salmon. In the North, Jo Rogers called out of his bed to rescue a truck buried in deep snow. But when his tow truck loses grip on the iced-up road, lack of sleep is the least of his problems.
Aviokatastrofu izmeklēšana: īpašais ziņojums (Aviokatastrofu izmeklēšana: īpašais ziņojums)
Tūlīt pēc pacelšanās no Monreālas lidostas Propair 420 piloti piedzīvo divkāršu hidraulisko kļūmi, turklāt aizdegas dzinējs. Cenšoties noturēt lidmašīnu gaisā, viņiem izdodas apgriezt to apkārt, bet tikai dažas sekundes pirms nosēšanas turbopropellers apgāžas un avarē, nogalinot ikvienu, kurš atradās uz tā klāja. Izmeklētāji ierodas notikuma vietā dažu stundu laikā, un viņiem ir jānoskaidro, kas izraisīja šo nāvējošo neveiksmju kaskādi, kura ilga tikai piecas minūtes.