Nat Geo Wild pārraida stāstus par dabas pasauli visā tās daudzveidībā, savvaļas dzīvniekiem to dabiskajā vidē, ekoloģiju un par dzīvi uz Zemes, par klimata pārmaiņām un globālām katastrofām - vulkāna izvirdumiem, zemestrīcēm, plūdiem.
Tree Kangaroos: Ghosts of the Forest (Tree Kangaroos: Ghosts of the Forest)
Seldom seen and very rarely filmed in their natural environment, Lumholtz tree kangaroos are the ghosts of the north Queensland forests. This film follows the intimate lives of these tree-climbing specialists in the wilderness of the Atherton Tableland.
Madagascar's Weirdest (Madagascar's Weirdest)
From the tops of trees to the corners of the forest floor, the island buzzes with the unexpected, the unpredictable and the unforgettable.
Wild Australia (Wild Australia)
Deserts, wild areas, forests: we discover the darkest side of Australia.
Wild Australia (Wild Australia)
In the dry southern plains, wombats spend a lot of time asleep, but must fight with invasive species, bulldog ants, and the heat of summer.
Wild Australia (Wild Australia)
The eastern eucalyptus forests are home to cuddly-looking koalas, birds that build elaborate nests, snakes, and odd egg-laying mammals.
Wild Botswana (Wild Botswana)
Botswana is a land of extremes; each environment imposes its own rules and challenges on the unrivalled abundance of animals that call it home.
Wild Australia (Wild Australia)
Deserts, wild areas, forests: we discover the darkest side of Australia.
Wild Australia (Wild Australia)
In the dry southern plains, wombats spend a lot of time asleep, but must fight with invasive species, bulldog ants, and the heat of summer.
The Incredible Pol Farm (The Incredible Pol Farm)
The family is bringing in four Merino ewes, which means with any luck the farm could be expecting its first lambs come springtime.
Snakes in the City (Snakes in the City)
Simon and Siouxsie destroy a kitchen for a harmless house snake, but find a black mamba instead. A mechanic finds a deadly snake in his toolbox.
Ultimate Animals Compilations (Ultimate Animals Compilations)
Pigs can detect smells buried two stories underground, while a dog's nose can take you to court.
Ultimate Animals Compilations (Ultimate Animals Compilations)
Pigs and Dogs. Pigs can detect smells buried two stories underground and a dog's nose can take you to court.
The Incredible Pol Farm (The Incredible Pol Farm)
The Pols are preparing for sheep to give birth, which means figuring out how to catch and shear their four Merino ewes.
Snakes in the City (Snakes in the City)
Streetwise snake-catcher Simon Keys must hunt down a frighteningly fast black mamba in a cluttered kitchen, and a spitting cobra under a bath.
10 Animals That Will Kill You: Freak Attacks (10 Animals That Will Kill You: Freak Attacks)
Wild animals kill thousands of people every day, and the most dangerous creatures may not be what you think.
Snakes in the City (Snakes in the City)
Simon and Siouxsie destroy a kitchen for a harmless house snake, but find a black mamba instead. A mechanic finds a deadly snake in his toolbox.
Snakes in the City (Snakes in the City)
Streetwise snake-catcher Simon Keys must hunt down a frighteningly fast black mamba in a cluttered kitchen, and a spitting cobra under a bath.
10 Animals That Will Kill You: Freak Attacks (10 Animals That Will Kill You: Freak Attacks)
Wild animals kill thousands of people every day, and the most dangerous creatures may not be what you think.
South Africa: Cradle of Killers (South Africa: Cradle of Killers)
A Cape pangolin with bad eyesight crosses paths with a cheetah, while a red toad tries to defend itself against a Mozambique spitting cobra.
Baby Sharks (Baby Sharks)
In this enhanced episode, from the familiar to the surprising, Baby Sharks follows 4-5 vastly different "hero" species of baby sharks from before birth through their first months of life…learning how to avoid danger, to find shelter… and to hunt. They'll
Snakes in the City (Snakes in the City)
Simon and Siouxsie destroy a kitchen for a harmless house snake, but find a black mamba instead. A mechanic finds a deadly snake in his toolbox.
Snakes in the City (Snakes in the City)
For Simon and Siouxsie every job has its dangers, from an almost fatal mamba attack to the risks of being buried under a collapsing house.
Snakes in the City (Snakes in the City)
Snake-catchers Simon and Siouxsie rush across Snake City to capture Africa's largest cobra in a pool.
Snakes in the City (Snakes in the City)
Simon and Siouxsie get called to remove an angry black mamba from a wood pile. They find it after hours of searching, and it is seriously angry.
Snakes in the City (Snakes in the City)
Streetwise snake-catcher Simon Keys must hunt down a frighteningly fast black mamba in a cluttered kitchen, and a spitting cobra under a bath.
The Incredible Dr. Pol (The Incredible Dr. Pol)
Dr Pol performs emergency surgery on a dog that swallowed a rope toy, and Dr Lisa helps a horse suffering from heaves.
The Incredible Dr. Pol (The Incredible Dr. Pol)
Follow Dutch-born veterinarian Jan Pol, his family and employees taking a good care of every family pet and head of livestock no matter what size or condition.
Killer Safari (Killer Safari)
When the Savannah turns into a battleground, it's hard to choose a hero. Who will win when it's tooth versus claw?
Killer Safari (Killer Safari)
Lions kill four buffaloes in a stampede, while in another drying river, a buffalo fights off five of the big cats.
Snakes in the City (Snakes in the City)
Streetwise snake-catcher Simon Keys must hunt down a frighteningly fast black mamba in a cluttered kitchen, and a spitting cobra under a bath.
Killer Safari (Killer Safari)
When the Savannah turns into a battleground, it's hard to choose a hero. Who will win when it's tooth versus claw?
The Incredible Dr. Pol (The Incredible Dr. Pol)
Dr Pol performs emergency surgery on a dog that swallowed a rope toy, and Dr Lisa helps a horse suffering from heaves.
The Incredible Dr. Pol (The Incredible Dr. Pol)
Follow Dutch-born veterinarian Jan Pol, his family and employees taking a good care of every family pet and head of livestock no matter what size or condition.
Snakes in the City (Snakes in the City)
For Simon and Siouxsie every job has its dangers, from an almost fatal mamba attack to the risks of being buried under a collapsing house.
Killer Safari (Killer Safari)
When the Savannah turns into a battleground, it's hard to choose a hero. Who will win when it's tooth versus claw?