Pasaule ap mums, lielākie noslēpumi, katastrofas, zinātnes atklājumi... Discovery Channel daudzveidīgais dokumentālo filmu klāsts skatītājiem atklāj nezināmo kosmosa un okeānu dzīlēs, iepazīstina ar notikumiem, kuri ietekmējuši pasaules vēsturi, atklāj seno pilsētu un tautu noslēpumus, pastāsta par lielākajām dabas katastrofām, slavenu cilvēku dzīvi un citiem interesantiem notikumiem.
Border Control Italia (Border Control Italia)
Follows the offers of the Security and Customs Services at the borders of Italy, which are under the constant threat from drugs, weapons, and suspected terrorists.
Naked and Afraid (Naked and Afraid)
Jaclin and Michael take on the mighty Kalahari Desert. They soon face an unexpected cold front and encroaching lions and rhinos.
Shed & Buried (Shed & Buried)
Henry Cole and friends Fuzz Townshend and Guy Willison hit the road to find, buy and make a profit from the UK's abandoned automotive gems.
Shed & Buried (Shed & Buried)
Henry and Fuzz explore George's automobilia collection in Dorset. Henry's in the mood for a SPQR: Small Profit Quick Return. Can he strike a good deal?
Salvage Hunters (Salvage Hunters)
In Sussex, Drew has some incredible luck when he is offered first pick of a shop packed full of French items. Then in Kent, he's invited behind the scenes of a historic railway.
Salvage Hunters (Salvage Hunters)
In a huge barn in Sussex, Drew discovers a large collection of animal-themed curiosities and objects. And in Cardiff, Drew's favourite kind of antiques are finally revealed.
Wheeler Dealers (Wheeler Dealers)
The pinnacle of BMW is the modern classic, the E46 M3. Mike finds one with the subframe already fixed, and he challenges Ant to transform the transmission with new tech.
Wheeler Dealers (Wheeler Dealers)
Mike and Elvis take on a Porsche 911 in rough shape: it turns up in pieces on a trailer. If they can revive it, they'll take it on an epic drive through the Cairngorms.
How It's Made (How It's Made)
Find out how Chinese style furniture, electrical switches, Thai fish sauce, and cappers are made. Friday
How It's Made (How It's Made)
How are carbon-fibre bicycles, forged chandeliers and ballpoint pens made? Find out as more everyday items are put under the microscope.
How It's Made (How It's Made)
More everyday items are put under the microscope as we discover how carbon-fibre bicycles, forged chandeliers and ballpoint pens are made.
Shed & Buried (Shed & Buried)
Henry and Sam rummage through a tractor enthusiasts heaven, sheds and fields full of old machines. Their attention is caught by an old vintage plough.
Shed & Buried (Shed & Buried)
Henry and Sam find themselves down in the South West rummaging around another belting shed. There are so many things on offer they find it hard to choose.
Naked and Afraid (Naked and Afraid)
Underestimated his whole life, a survivalist with dwarfism tries to prove himself in the Amazon but struggles against predators and his partner. PREMIERE
Wheeler Dealers (Wheeler Dealers)
Mike has travelled to the US to hunt for a DeLorean, one of the most recognisable and distinctive cars ever made. Can Edd restore this iconic car and maximise their profit? [AL]
Salvage Hunters (Salvage Hunters)
Drew is in Cheshire to scour a barn packed with items, from traditional antique furniture to taxidermy. And in Sheffield, he uncovers a collection of early 20th century glass eyes.
Wheeler Dealers (Wheeler Dealers)
Mike discovers a true Japanese legend from the 1990s, the Nissan 300ZX twin turbo. Ant wants to boost the performance even more - but Mike has the opposite in mind.
Gold Divers (Gold Divers)
A series of questionable calls by Kris brings the Mistress to her breaking point. Mr. Gold takes a huge gamble by mining Cooper Gulch.
Gold Divers (Gold Divers)
A series of questionable calls by Kris brings the Mistress to her breaking point. Mr. Gold takes a huge gamble by mining Cooper Gulch.
Gold Divers (Gold Divers)
A brand-new arrival shakes up the gold game as Emily shows Jane Kilcher the ropes of running a dredge. Kris Kelly deals with an excavator malfunction.
Salvage Dawgs (Salvage Dawgs)
Mike, Robert and the team salvage a movie theatre in Sevierville. Key items include analog projectors, movie screens and neon letters. PREMIERE
Shed & Buried (Shed & Buried)
Henry and Sam are in Bodmin Moor rummaging through a collection built up over 25 years. It includes amphibious craft, motorbikes, nuts and bolts. [AL-T]
Wheeler Dealers (Wheeler Dealers)
Mike and Ant share their favourite moments from the series, revealing some hilarious outtakes and private insights.
How Do They Do It? (How Do They Do It?)
Go behind the scenes to discover how to make the things that form the modern world.
How It's Made (How It's Made)
Discover how deep cycle batteries and tins are created as more everyday items are put under the microscope.
Salvage Hunters: The Restorers (Salvage Hunters: The Restorers)
Furniture restorer Steve Norman rescues a rare and valuable campaign desk. Ted Edley transforms a broken 1960s pedal car into a sporty racer with pace and grace.
Naked And Afraid: Castaways (Naked And Afraid: Castaways)
Andrew and Heather try to make fire, but the only sparks come from their conflict. Candice's team re-purposes debris to trap a protein source.
Wheeler Dealers World Tour (Wheeler Dealers World Tour)
In Southern France, Mike and Elvis find a charming 2CV Fourgonette. It's got a modest engine, tired suspension and missing rear seats.
Expedition From Hell: The Lost Tapes (Expedition From Hell: The Lost Tapes)
A risky bridge crossing shows how far Mickey is willing to go for good film footage. Mickey sends a distraught team member back to civilisation.
Expedition From Hell: The Lost Tapes (Expedition From Hell: The Lost Tapes)
A risky bridge crossing shows how far Mickey is willing to go for good film footage. Mickey sends a distraught team member back to civilisation.
Ed Stafford: First Man Out (Ed Stafford: First Man Out)
Ed Stafford is paired against survival supremo and famed endurance athlete Matt Graham. He climbs into the deadly Gobi Desert, facing sand storms and extreme dehydration.
Naked And Afraid: Castaways (Naked And Afraid: Castaways)
Andrew and Heather try to make fire, but the only sparks come from their conflict. Candice's team re-purposes debris to trap a protein source.
Naked and Afraid (Naked and Afraid)
New Yorkers, Chev and Elsa, team up to take on Vanderkloof, South Africa for 14 days. Will the challenging concrete jungle chase them back to the city streets?
Salvage Hunters (Salvage Hunters)
Drew's ability to work under pressure is tested by talented dealer, Alasdair. In a stunning disused church, Drew bids on an elaborate Victorian mirror.