Animal Planet raidījumi atklāj mūsu planētas dzīvnieku pasauli visā tās daudzveidībā. Vienreizēji kadri un aizraujoši stāsti par dzīvnieku pasaules pārstāvjiem, kuri skrien, lido, peld un rāpo, raidījumi visu diennakti piesaistīs kā pieaugušo, tā arī bērnu uzmanību.
Meet the Orangutans (Meet the Orangutans)
The orphaned orangutan Peanut is one of the newest and youngest arrivals at the sanctuary. He has made friends with Beryl, but he is not feeling very well.
Meet the Orangutans (Meet the Orangutans)
The orphans are learning how to make important relationships. Mui Mui and Anne have become inseparable, but now Anne is pregnant, and she needs to be separated.
Meet the Penguins (Meet the Penguins)
Animal Planet. Overgrown mummy's boy Pete won't leave the parental home, and options are running out for a penguin with a dislocated knee. Plus, one-eyed Edgar is desperate to please his wife!
Meet the Penguins (Meet the Penguins)
The staff battle to save a vulnerable chick, a portly penguin is put on a strict diet, and in home pen a juvenile of unknown gender gets some important test results. "
Alaska: Surviving the Last Frontier (Alaska: Surviving the Last Frontier)
The volunteers depart their cabins and hike out to catch a plane back to civilisation. Some battle sub-zero temperatures and dehydration on their way.
Pit Bulls & Parolees (Pit Bulls & Parolees)
Newlyweds from New Jersey seek a new family member, and back home with his family in Virginia, longtime parolee Sui faces a tough decision.
Meet the Orangutans (Meet the Orangutans)
The orphaned orangutan Peanut is one of the newest and youngest arrivals at the sanctuary. He has made friends with Beryl, but he is not feeling very well.
Meet the Orangutans (Meet the Orangutans)
The orphans are learning how to make important relationships. Mui Mui and Anne have become inseparable, but now Anne is pregnant, and she needs to be separated.
Meet the Penguins (Meet the Penguins)
Animal Planet. Overgrown mummy's boy Pete won't leave the parental home, and options are running out for a penguin with a dislocated knee. Plus, one-eyed Edgar is desperate to please his wife!
Meet the Penguins (Meet the Penguins)
The staff battle to save a vulnerable chick, a portly penguin is put on a strict diet, and in home pen a juvenile of unknown gender gets some important test results. "
Animal Cops: Philadelphia (Animal Cops: Philadelphia)
When a husky with a deep wound on its neck is rescued, Pennsylvania SPCA vet Dr Rachel Lee is determined to save him.
Tanked (Tanked)
Wayde og Brett skal bygge en enestående dam i sin egen bakgård - og bare én familie kan vinne!
Pit Bulls & Parolees (Pit Bulls & Parolees)
Newlyweds from New Jersey seek a new family member, and back home with his family in Virginia, longtime parolee Sui faces a tough decision.
My Cat from Hell (My Cat from Hell)
Jay has one lady in his life and that's his ferocious attack cat, Marley. Marley will tear apart anyone who crosses her path - including Jay.
My Cat from Hell (My Cat from Hell)
Debbie is torn between her boyfriend and her peeing cat Blinkie. Krisi and Jason want to get married, but standing in their way is her crazy cat, Frankie.
Animal Cops: Philadelphia (Animal Cops: Philadelphia)
When a husky with a deep wound on its neck is rescued, Pennsylvania SPCA vet Dr Rachel Lee is determined to save him.
Tanked (Tanked)
Wayde og Brett skal bygge en enestående dam i sin egen bakgård - og bare én familie kan vinne!
Pit Bulls & Parolees (Pit Bulls & Parolees)
Newlyweds from New Jersey seek a new family member, and back home with his family in Virginia, longtime parolee Sui faces a tough decision.
My Cat from Hell (My Cat from Hell)
Debbie is torn between her boyfriend and her peeing cat Blinkie. Krisi and Jason want to get married, but standing in their way is her crazy cat, Frankie.
Animal Cops: Philadelphia (Animal Cops: Philadelphia)
An undercover investigation leads the team to a shocking discovery: eight dogs tied to metal chains as well as dog-fighting paraphernalia, illegal drugs and a gun.
Tanked (Tanked)
The guys are in New Jersey for a tank emergency for music producer and founder of the Fugees, Wyclef Jean. He has two tanks needing ATM's help!
Pit Bulls & Parolees (Pit Bulls & Parolees)
Tia attempts to rescue a stray, but her leg injury holds her back, and new parolee Mike struggles to balance working and being a parent.
Deadliest Shark (Deadliest Shark)
Dr. Michael Domeier and Dr. Barry Bruce go looking for rare oceanic white tip sharks, to see if the species deserve the reputation as the 'World's Deadliest Shark'.
Shark Alley: Legend Of Dynamite (Shark Alley: Legend Of Dynamite)
Following the adventures of a juvenile great white shark as he learns what it takes to survive in the ruthless hunting grounds surrounding Dyer Island, South Africa.
My Cat from Hell (My Cat from Hell)
The behaviour of Sebastian, a violent cat, puts a new-born baby in jeopardy. Plus, a door opening wild cat, Zeus, is threatening to leave his owner.
Animal Cops: Philadelphia (Animal Cops: Philadelphia)
The PSPCA lead a shocking expose on America's puppy mills, including the Limestone Kennels in Pennsylvania.
Tanked (Tanked)
The San Francisco Giants want to bring McCovey Cove inside the ballpark! Can the guys build a tank big enough to impress their loyal fans?
How Do Animals Do That (How Do Animals Do That)
Experts test to see if wild wolves are smarter than domestic dogs with an interesting experiment. Plus, can spiders really fly? And, how do polar bears keep warm?
How Do Animals Do That (How Do Animals Do That)
Experts look at why drowned ants don't drown. Plus, why don't woodpeckers get headaches? And, how does a 15-foot octopus escape through a three-inch hole?
Wild Australia (Wild Australia)
Australia is one of the largest and most extreme wildernesses on earth. Here, the indigenous Aborigines have survived by observing and learning from nature. "
Wonders of Mexico (Wonders of Mexico)
Mexico is an ancient land, full of diversity and mystery. It is home to a vast wilderness of oceans, deserts, jungle, and unique creatures that are found nowhere else on earth.
Alaska Monsters (Alaska Monsters)
The team investigates the Otterman who is believed to have the ability to shape-shift. Todd builds a Ring of Fire trap, while the rest of the team utilises an airboat.
Legends Of the Wild (Legends Of the Wild)
Crocodiles in Australia's Northern Territory are mysteriously showing up dead with no clear sign of trauma. What could be killing these incredible predators?