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Forged in Fire (Forged in Fire)
Reality competition where bladesmiths forge bespoke knives.
Shipping Wars (Shipping Wars)
Groups of independent shippers compete with each other in this American reality series, as they bid for the right to haul unconventional items that many conventional carriers deem unfeasible to transport.
Shipping Wars (Shipping Wars)
Dwight and Tyesha tangle with an animatronic T-Rex and chop it down to size, while Doug bites off more than he can chew when moving a massive backyard Pirate Ship playhouse.
The Curse of Oak Island (The Curse of Oak Island)
While the archaeologists work hard to uncover a new feature discovered on Lot 5, the scientists have finally identified the area where the gold is.
Storage Wars (Storage Wars)
Orange You Glad Dan Sold It Again?: The bidders head to auctions in Burbank, where a new buyer challenges both Barry and Jarrod, before making off with a jam-packed locker.
Storage Wars (Storage Wars)
The Monster Hash: The buyers encounter new auctioneers in Costa Mesa. Brandi and Jarrod are eager for hot items to fill the new shop. But will it be Barry who scores big?
Storage Wars (Storage Wars)
Jarrod and Brandi find some toys and Jarrod tries to battle a world champion. Meanwhile, the Harris Brothers look for a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and Barry gambles on a safe.
Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)
Ton and Allen are facing their biggest challenge yet when their two old rivals join the forces.
Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)
Allen heads to an auction with Elle, while Ton and Big Sis revamp the shop to help bring in more customers. Allen unearths a Ouija board and a set of antique basketballs. (Series 4,
Pawn Stars (Pawn Stars)
Promissory Pawn: A promissory note from the Mexican-American war comes into the shop, while Corey and Chum check out a water-propelled jetpack.
Ancient Aliens (Ancient Aliens)
Experts investigate whether the stories of a time when gods and otherworldly beings inhabited the planet are more than mere mythology.
The UnXplained with William Shatner (The UnXplained with William Shatner)
From the ancient Babylonian's to modern day urban explorers, mankind has always been fascinated by abandoned places.
Pawn Stars (Pawn Stars)
Corey is offered the chance to buy an old dentist's chair, while an Andy Warhol Superman poster soars into the shop. Plus, Rick and Chum take a Cadillac for a spin.
Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)
Ton and Allen hit the road for Nashville, where they rumble with a band of tough, high-bidding bikers. The day explodes when the guys discover a 37mm anti-tank gun and a cowboy's rodeo saddle.
Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)
Big Sis drops some bad news as the guys clash with Carolyn at an auction in Long Beach. Ton and Allen unearth a Native American tomahawk, a dunk tank and a rare gun. (Series 4,
Forged in Fire (Forged in Fire)
Reality competition where bladesmiths forge bespoke knives.
Pawn Stars (Pawn Stars)
Corey is offered the chance to buy an old dentist's chair, while an Andy Warhol Superman poster soars into the shop. Plus, Rick and Chum take a Cadillac for a spin.
Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)
The team goes on the attack and ends up on a collision course with a veteran auction buyer. They uncover a collection of speedy off-road vehicles and some hardcore heavy metal.
Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)
The Auction Hunters team goes toe-to-toe with Ton's evil twin! They find a medieval catapult designed for storming castles and Ton uncovers gold bars worth thousands of dollars.
Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)
Auction Hunters, Allen Haff and Ton Jones, travel through America bidding on unclaimed storage units they think will contain the most hidden treasures which are worth big cash the better the history the higher the price.
Storage Wars (Storage Wars)
Brandi makes a serious land grab and it pays off, Rene can't resist a big mystery and Barry poaches from the competition.
Storage Wars (Storage Wars)
Ivy scores a packed locker and stumbles across an antique of unusual origin, while Darrell discovers that good things come in small packages.
Storage Wars (Storage Wars)
Barry's Angels: A surprise visitor helps to turn Barry's frown upside down. Plus, newcomers Rene and Casey purchase a statue that could be worth thousands.
Storage Wars (Storage Wars)
The Harris Brothers go into stealth mode, Jarrod and Brandi find their sense of charity, Barry unearths a bag that has him hitting the slopes and Darrell discovers a big pole.
Storage Wars (Storage Wars)
That's My Jerry!: The bidders do war in Compton where Herb buys a locker Mike doesn't want. Barry reunites with his old pal Kenny while Jarrod lands himself a new nickname.
Forged in Fire (Forged in Fire)
Four smiths salvage steel from a railroad track in order to make their signature big blades, while two more smiths forge a monstrous seven-foot blade.
Pawn Stars (Pawn Stars)
Chum puts his best foot forward when a Nike LeBron sneaker hits the counter, while Rick keeps tabs on a signed Pulp Fiction poster.
The Curse of Oak Island (The Curse of Oak Island)
While the archaeologists work hard to uncover a new feature discovered on Lot 5, the scientists have finally identified the area where the gold is.
Ancient Aliens (Ancient Aliens)
In the 21st century, UFOs have gone from fringe science to mainstream obsession. Are we getting closer to understanding the strange events in the sky?
The Proof Is Out There: Alien Edition (The Proof Is Out There: Alien Edition)
Did a family capture footage of a rectangular UFO? Is a T-shaped UFO on a collision course with a jetliner? Is leaked footage of a cylindrical aerial object proof the government is hiding the truth about UFOs?
Ancient Aliens: The Ultimate Evidence (Ancient Aliens: The Ultimate Evidence)
Ancient astronaut theorist, Giorgio Tsoukalos, takes a look at evidence to support the theory that extraterrestrials visited Earth in the past. Explore some of the most intriguing finds that many believe are clues to our extraterrestrial past.
Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)
Ton and Allen discover owning a pawn shop is tough! Even an antique ammo collection and some classic football helmets may not be enough to put the guys back in the black.
Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)
Ton and Allen buy a rare comic worth over $100,000. The guys also uncover a Samurai sword used for ritual suicide.
Auction Hunters (Auction Hunters)
Ton and Allen end up in a turf war at a Hollywood auction and at odds with each other over whether to gamble on what could be an antique slot machine. Allen attempts to fly a jetpack.
Pawn Stars (Pawn Stars)
Riders on the Pawn: Among the novel objects brought into the shop this time are a yearbook featuring Jim Morrison, and a signed buoy from the TV show Baywatch.
Pawn Stars (Pawn Stars)
Rick heads to New York City to check out an original broadside of the Declaration of Independence.
The Curse of Oak Island (The Curse of Oak Island)
While the team uncovers more evidence suggesting the mysterious man-made stone foundation on Lot 5 was purposefully hidden, the Fellowship is zeroing in on the gold in the Money Pit.
The UnXplained with William Shatner (The UnXplained with William Shatner)
Today, humanity spans the globe, but how did our species evolve? Do other human-like creatures still exist today?
The UnXplained with William Shatner (The UnXplained with William Shatner)
From the ancient Babylonian's to modern day urban explorers, mankind has always been fascinated by abandoned places.
Shipping Wars (Shipping Wars)
Natasha is amused by her classic bumper car haul, but will the ride stay intact on her rig? Meanwhile, Tamara's mini-golf run goes south when the 12-piece pick up turns into a 100-item load.
Shipping Wars (Shipping Wars)
Groups of independent shippers compete with each other in this American reality series, as they bid for the right to haul unconventional items that many conventional carriers deem unfeasible to transport.
Ancient Aliens (Ancient Aliens)
Experts investigate whether rocket scientist Wernher von Braun might have found inspiration in technology found at the alleged UFO crash in Roswell.
The Proof Is Out There (The Proof Is Out There)
What is the identity of a bizarre creature spotted on a driveway? And did the Men in Black threaten a man?
The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch)
After the team conducts a simultaneous drone swarm experiment in order to stimulate phenomena on Skinwalker Ranch, they encounter more than what they bargained for.
The Proof Is Out There (The Proof Is Out There)
The team investigate footage of a witch's broomstick, extraterrestrial goings-on and blobs falling from the sky.
Forged in Fire (Forged in Fire)
Four smiths salvage steel from a railroad track in order to make their signature big blades, while two more smiths forge a monstrous seven-foot blade.