Investigation Discovery piedāvā ielūkoties kriminālajā pasaulē. Noziegumu rekonstrukcija un analīze, izmeklēšanas gaitas atspoguļošana. Skatītāji var iedziļināties noziedznieka prātā un atklāt zinātni, kas palīdz atrisināt sarežģītākos noziegumus un mulsinošākās mistērijas. Raidījumu pamatā ir patiesi stāsti.
Evil Kin (Evil Kin)
As a child, Ward feels an evil building inside of him. When he is reunited with his estranged father an unforgettable terror is inevitably unleashed.
Married To Evil (Married To Evil)
A woman plans to leave her controlling and violent husband. But when he finds out, he'll do anything to stop her and concocts a devious plot.
Evil-in-Law (Evil-in-Law)
Explore stories that might have been lifted from the plot of a horror movie. Yet these shocking tales are in fact real, and they show just how far some evil in-laws will go.
Bad Blood (Bad Blood)
When beloved grandmother Gloria Marmolejo goes missing her family is deeply concerned. But as police investigate they discover a sinister family secret.
Relatively Evil (Relatively Evil)
After two long-lost brothers connect as young adults, a dark disturbance emerges within the newly blended family unit and leads to a shocking crime.
Blood Relatives (Blood Relatives)
When a team of firefighters extinguish a burning truck, they reveal the charred remains of a human corpse inside. Detectives delve into the truth behind the crime.
Blood Relatives (Blood Relatives)
In Queens, NYPD detectives find a bullet-pierced body in the trunk of a car. They end up drawn into a dark tale of brotherhood, backstabbing, and betrayal.
Blood Relatives (Blood Relatives)
Orinda in California has been voted one of America's friendliest towns. But when one family's war of words turns deadly, the shocking revelations will stun the entire nation.
Blood Relatives (Blood Relatives)
Beaver Dams, New York is home to one very unconventional family. When someone decides to introduce murder to the family, police find there is no lack of suspects.
Blood Relatives (Blood Relatives)
Two brothers have a failing airline cleaning business. With eyes dead set on living the high life, one person in this family will be worth more dead than alive.
Blood Relatives (Blood Relatives)
In the desert oasis of Arizona, a family's climb up the corporate ladder has them flush with cash. But soon, cold-blooded murder will turn this family's dream into a nightmare.
Let's Kill Mom (Let's Kill Mom)
In a suburb outside Fort Worth, Texas, a hard-working, single mother is found dead in her home. This is a story of unimaginable horror within a family.
People Magazine Investigates (People Magazine Investigates)
In 1980, a couple disappears and is later discovered in a field. It will take 40 years before a woman claims to hold the key to unlocking the case.
Twisted Sisters (Twisted Sisters)
The Beck twins have been inseparable their entire lives and are well-liked in their small community. But behind closed doors they have a violent relationship. PREMIERE
Twisted Sisters (Twisted Sisters)
When Diane Hart's husband cuts her off financially, she turns to her sister for support. They devise a deadly plan to get the money they believe she deserves. PREMIERE
What Lies Beneath (What Lies Beneath)
A teenager found dead on high school grounds panics a Kentucky town. Investigators find a wall of lies and false confessions that cross state lines.
What Lies Beneath (What Lies Beneath)
Greenup, Kentucky, hasn't seen a homicide for decades, let alone one with ritualistic signs. Detectives find themselves in pursuit of a mysterious biker.
Who Killed Jane Doe? (Who Killed Jane Doe?)
In 2005 Pamela Knight vanishes on her son's birthday and, years later, two men find the remains of a woman buried under an abandoned shed.
Who Killed Jane Doe? (Who Killed Jane Doe?)
Farm workers discover a woman's body on a desolate road in rural California. A decade on, detective re-open this cold case with new forensic technology.
Disappeared (Disappeared)
Successful lawyer and new mum Ciera Breland disappears after she and her husband visit his mother in Georgia. It emerges her perfect life isn't what it seems.
Disappeared (Disappeared)
When high-profile DA Ray Gricar goes missing, his laptop and hard drive are found destroyed in the Susquehanna River. Was Ray murdered, or is he on the run?
Haunting in the Heartland (Haunting in the Heartland)
Steve ventures to Malvern, Iowa, where a little girl's ghost haunts a small farming village. His search for answers leads him and his crew to their most evil haunting yet.
Ghost Hunters (Ghost Hunters)
TAPS investigates a high society Alabama mansion that was also home to misery and misfortune. Satori Hawes and Cody DesBiens help dig up secrets.
Ghost Hunters (Ghost Hunters)
Satori Hawes and Cody DesBiens accompany TAPS as they visit a haunted home on sacred ground. Plus, acclaimed pastry chef Stephanie Boswell joins the investigation.
The Ghost Town Terror (The Ghost Town Terror)
After going over the results from Sapphire's ghost box session, the team meets with Karen and reveals everything they know about the evil they've encountered.