CurrentTime ir starptautisks мēdiju projekts par tēmām un notikumiem, kas skar mūsdienu cilvēku un sniedz objektīvu un precīzu informāciju, pamatojoties uz faktiem un patiesiem notikumiem.
America (America)
From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC, international news for Russian speakers plus news from the United States, including business and entertainment news.
Asia (Asia)
The only daily news program covering Central Asia in its entirety with news and reports from our bureaus there.
Crossroad (Crossroad)
The series consists of short documentaries on complex topics in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. This is an author's view of the problems and prospects of these regions. Real life close up.
Real Cinema (Real Cinema)
Фильмы, о которых говорит мир, и те, что запрещены к показу: яркие люди, важные мировые события и личные истории, которыми хочется поделиться.
Diary of the Bride of Christ (Diary of the Bride of Christ)
To understand why she has dissociated from her religious family values, Marta Smerechynska, the film's director, approaches her sister after six years of silence. She films her sister's life in a new home - a convent of Brides of Christ located in Western Ukraine. There, Marta not only struggles with the rules set by the nunnery, but also re-discovers her own beliefs and values.
Baltic (Baltic)
News stories from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.
Come Visit Us! (Come Visit Us!)
Travel and food show with Zurab Dvali.
Archeology. Interview (Archeology. Interview)
Актуальные интервью с Сергеем Медведевым
Unknown Russia (Unknown Russia)
Talk show focusing on the days' events and featuring live interviews with key figures in the news, in culture, and in current events.
Almost Grown-Ups (Almost Grown-Ups)
Under the Sicilian sunlight, Oscar collects scrap metal with his father. At the other end of town, Stanley the Nigerian migrant gets by thanks to small tasks given by the parish priest. Both share the same desire for a better life.
Face the Event (Face the Event)
A live, one hour, talk show from our Moscow bureau focusing on the key issues and news events of the day.
Crossroad (Crossroad)
The series consists of short documentaries on complex topics in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. This is an author's view of the problems and prospects of these regions. Real life close up.
Donbass. Realities (Donbass. Realities)
This newsmagazine provides a rare glimpse into life in war torn Eastern Ukraine.
Come Visit Us! (Come Visit Us!)
Travel and food show with Zurab Dvali.
Almost Grown-Ups (Almost Grown-Ups)
Under the Sicilian sunlight, Oscar collects scrap metal with his father. At the other end of town, Stanley the Nigerian migrant gets by thanks to small tasks given by the parish priest. Both share the same desire for a better life.
Almost Grown-Ups (Almost Grown-Ups)
Under the Sicilian sunlight, Oscar collects scrap metal with his father. At the other end of town, Stanley the Nigerian migrant gets by thanks to small tasks given by the parish priest. Both share the same desire for a better life.
Archeology. Interview (Archeology. Interview)
Актуальные интервью с Сергеем Медведевым
Tomorrow Today (Tomorrow Today)
The Science Magazine.
Road to Freedom (Road to Freedom)
This discussion program features in depth analysis of news with Vitaly Portnikov.
Crossroad (Crossroad)
The series consists of short documentaries on complex topics in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. This is an author's view of the problems and prospects of these regions. Real life close up.
News (News)
Cash Opinion (Cash Opinion)
Скучно? Нет! Потому что все эти темы подаются простым и понятным языком.
True Story (True Story)
Лучшие исторические сериалы телеканала "Настоящее время"
Facets of Time (Facets of Time)
Results of the week with Mumin Shakirov.
Almost Grown-Ups (Almost Grown-Ups)
Under the Sicilian sunlight, Oscar collects scrap metal with his father. At the other end of town, Stanley the Nigerian migrant gets by thanks to small tasks given by the parish priest. Both share the same desire for a better life.
Baltic (Baltic)
News stories from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.
Interview (Interview)
Все о чем вы уже вкратце слышали в новостях, но хотели бы узнать подробности. Настоящее Время задает злободневные вопросы ключевым игрокам важных событий, беседует с изветсными политиками, узнает мнение компетентных аналитиков.
Look Both Ways (Look Both Ways)
Программа о новостях и тех, кто эти новости делает. О фейках и сенсациях, о невольных ошибках и сознательных манипуляциях
Cash Opinion (Cash Opinion)
Скучно? Нет! Потому что все эти темы подаются простым и понятным языком.
Newsday (Newsday)
Еженедельная итоговая информационная программа из студии Голоса Америки в Вашингтоне.
Details (Details)
From VOICE OF AMERICA in Washington DC.
Real Cinema (Real Cinema)
Фильмы, о которых говорит мир, и те, что запрещены к показу: яркие люди, важные мировые события и личные истории, которыми хочется поделиться.
The Man Who Was Looking for His Son (The Man Who Was Looking for His Son)
For the last ten years a man dressed as Spiderman has tirelessly criss-crossed China in search of his son, Jiacheng, abducted at the age of one. An obsessive quest that constantly hits a wall of silence. In China, little boys are worth a small fortune particularly for human traffickers.
True Story (True Story)
Best historical documentary series of Current Time TV.
DW. Interview (DW. Interview)
Интервью с известными политиками, интеллектуалами, общественными деятелями из России, Европы и США.
Unknown Russia (Unknown Russia)
Talk show focusing on the days' events and featuring live interviews with key figures in the news, in culture, and in current events.
Baltic (Baltic)
News stories from Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia.
Newsday (Newsday)
Еженедельная итоговая информационная программа из студии Голоса Америки в Вашингтоне.
Crossroad (Crossroad)
The series consists of short documentaries on complex topics in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. This is an author's view of the problems and prospects of these regions. Real life close up.
Random Access Memory (Random Access Memory)
В православных странах Балканского полуострова русских называют братским народом. "Вместе с русскими нас 200 миллионов" - шутят сербы. Уже второе столетие карту славянского братства разыгрывают в своих интересах политики. В период пандемии Сербия стала для русских туристов настоящим окном в Европу. Однако об истоках этого странного братства помнят не многие.
Turn Your Body to the Sun (Turn Your Body to the Sun)
The incredible life story of a Soviet soldier of Tatar descent who was captured by the Nazis during WWII. Today, his daughter Sana is tracing the path of her silent father, trying to understand what made him the man she knew as a child, through his diaries, as well as various personal and public archives and registries. As she accompanies Sana in her journey, filmmaker Aliona van der Horst excavates film archives, to find traces of those millions of Soviet soldiers who were caught in the crossfire of fighting between dictators, who were there but were easily left out of the narrative of the global war.
Random Access Memory (Random Access Memory)
В православных странах Балканского полуострова русских называют братским народом. "Вместе с русскими нас 200 миллионов" - шутят сербы. Уже второе столетие карту славянского братства разыгрывают в своих интересах политики. В период пандемии Сербия стала для русских туристов настоящим окном в Европу. Однако об истоках этого странного братства помнят не многие.
Dangerous Neighborhood (Dangerous Neighborhood)
У Японии нет сухопутных границ ни с одним из государств в мире. Но есть соседи - Китай, Северная Корея и Россия. Ни с кем из которых у Японии исторически не складывалось безоблачных отношений. Да и сегодня многие японцы называют соседство с этими странами опасным. Ведь и по сей день у Токио нет договоров о мире ни с Пхеньяном, ни с Москвой. Причиной уже почти 80-летних формально недружественных отношений с Россией для Японии являются Южные Курилы. Или "северные территории", как их здесь называют, глядя на спорные острова с другой стороны
Conflict Zone (Conflict Zone)
DW top political interview program, hosted by Tim Sebastian and Sarah Kelly, who take you to the heart of the matter.