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Discovery Channel

Pasaule ap mums, lielākie noslēpumi, katastrofas, zinātnes atklājumi... Discovery Channel daudzveidīgais dokumentālo filmu klāsts skatītājiem atklāj nezināmo kosmosa un okeānu dzīlēs, iepazīstina ar notikumiem, kuri ietekmējuši pasaules vēsturi, atklāj seno pilsētu un tautu noslēpumus, pastāsta par lielākajām dabas katastrofām, slavenu cilvēku dzīvi un citiem interesantiem notikumiem.

  • 01:00

    Salvage Hunters (Salvage Hunters)

    Salvage Hunters (Salvage Hunters)

    Salvage Hunters

    In Fulham, Drew prepares to spend big with some elite dealers. In Hastings, Drew and Tee unearth some unusual Chinese watercolours and a Turkish rug.

  • 02:00

    Salvage Hunters: The Restorers (Salvage Hunters: The Restorers)

    Salvage Hunters: The Restorers (Salvage Hunters: The Restorers)

    Salvage Hunters: The Restorers

    The restorers face a challenge with Chesterfield sofa rescued from the scrapheap. And, can they revive a shattered marble figurine and a broken French bakery counter?

  • 03:00

    Wheeler Dealers World Tour (Wheeler Dealers World Tour)

    Wheeler Dealers World Tour (Wheeler Dealers World Tour)

    Mike and Elvis find a 1970s classic VW camper in need of some mechanical TLC. Can they turn it into a long-range camper fit for the Australian wilderness?

  • 04:00

    High Speed Chase (High Speed Chase)

    High Speed Chase (High Speed Chase)

    A homicide suspect holding his own cousin hostage leads police on a chase through the city. Plus, a rookie cop chases a car deep into a Florida swamp.

  • 05:00

    Wheeler Dealers (Wheeler Dealers)

    Wheeler Dealers (Wheeler Dealers)

    Wheeler Dealers

    Mike and Edd squabble over the definition of a real sports car. A Corvette should do the trick.

  • 06:00

    Salvage Hunters (Salvage Hunters)

    Salvage Hunters (Salvage Hunters)

    Salvage Hunters

    Drew heads to a huge antiques wholesaler in Exeter, where he finds pile upon pile of affordable gems. Next, it's on to north London, to visit an emporium of curiosities.

  • 07:00

    Wheeler Dealers (Wheeler Dealers)

    Wheeler Dealers (Wheeler Dealers)

    Wheeler Dealers

    Mike finds an iconic 1973 Toyota Celica. He thinks up an affordable solution for the failing engine while Ant puts his fabrication skills to the test.

  • 08:00

    Wheeler Dealers (Wheeler Dealers)

    Wheeler Dealers (Wheeler Dealers)

    Wheeler Dealers

    The boys are determined to mark the MGB's 60th anniversary in style by buying and fixing up one of these classic motors. But the upgrades come with some hefty costs.

  • 09:00

    How It's Made (How It's Made)

    How It's Made (How It's Made)

    How It's Made

    Find out how combination squares, farmed shrimp, ball valves, and string trimmers are made. Wednesday

  • 09:30

    How It's Made (How It's Made)

    How It's Made (How It's Made)

    How It's Made

    Discover what it takes to make motorcycle engines, glass enamel sculptures, hand-made paper and vaulting poles.

  • 10:00

    Shed & Buried (Shed & Buried)

    Shed & Buried (Shed & Buried)

    Shed & Buried

    In the New Forest, Hampshire, Henry and Sam visit a collector of Americana. What rare bicycles and classic sportsters will they find in his sheds?

  • 10:30

    Shed & Buried (Shed & Buried)

    Shed & Buried (Shed & Buried)

    Shed & Buried

    In the Midlands, Henry and Sam visit the sheds of a bike builder. He has a collection of rare bikes, but it's the surprise in his freezer that attracts the duo.

  • 11:00

    Wheeler Dealers (Wheeler Dealers)

    Wheeler Dealers (Wheeler Dealers)

    Wheeler Dealers

    Mike wants a high performance car with an historic badge, but it's hard to find a Saab 9-3 Turbo at a good price. With tight margins will Edd have any room for manoeuvre? [AL]

  • 11:00

    Naked and Afraid (Naked and Afraid)

    Naked and Afraid (Naked and Afraid)

    Naked and Afraid

    A National Guard veteran and a firefighter take on the hostile Colombian jungle. Violent storms and hypothermic conditions force them into bat-infested caves.

  • 12:00

    Salvage Hunters (Salvage Hunters)

    Salvage Hunters (Salvage Hunters)

    Salvage Hunters

    Drew scours a Surrey sculpture park, where a pair of rare 18th century church lych-gates catches his eye. And in London, he visits a small showroom with big character.

  • 13:00

    Wheeler Dealers (Wheeler Dealers)

    Wheeler Dealers (Wheeler Dealers)

    Wheeler Dealers

    A tired and rusted 1979 Jeep CJ-7 Renegade rolls into the workshop. Ant and Mike give it a makeover.

  • 14:00

    Nothing To Hide (Nothing To Hide)

    Nothing To Hide (Nothing To Hide)

    Nothing To Hide

    Discovery. A look at the daily life of the Customs and Tax Service officers who use modern technologies and service dogs to catch the smuggling of contraband.

  • 15:00

    Nothing To Hide (Nothing To Hide)

    Nothing To Hide (Nothing To Hide)

    Nothing To Hide

    Рассказ о повседневной работе инспекторов Таможенно-налоговой службы, которые с помощью современных технологий и служебных собак пресекают попытки ввоза контрабанды.

  • 16:00

    Outback Opal Hunters (Outback Opal Hunters)

    Outback Opal Hunters (Outback Opal Hunters)

    Outback Opal Hunters

    The Bishop and Scotty struggle to make safe a wall and end up causing an avalanche. Meanwhile, the Mooka Boys' bobcat is hit with critical failure.

  • 17:00

    Salvage Dawgs (Salvage Dawgs)

    Salvage Dawgs (Salvage Dawgs)

    Salvage Dawgs

    The Black Dog Salvage crew saves pieces of a house in Mt. Jackson. Back in the wood shop, Mike makes a bench from an older dresser. PREMIERE

  • 17:30

    Shed & Buried (Shed & Buried)

    Shed & Buried (Shed & Buried)

    Shed & Buried

    Henry and mechanic Sam visit two amazing sets of sheds in the West Country and Oxfordshire, in search of a vintage treasure to buy, restore and sell.

  • 18:00

    Wheeler Dealers (Wheeler Dealers)

    Wheeler Dealers (Wheeler Dealers)

    Wheeler Dealers

    Mike picks up an extremely distressed 1965 Dodge A-100 Sportsman and adds some surf inspired details.

  • 19:00

    How Do They Do It? (How Do They Do It?)

    How Do They Do It? (How Do They Do It?)

    How Do They Do It?

    How do they cast the street lamps of Venice? How do they prevent another Titanic-like disaster? And, how do they grow tiny trees for the ancient Chinese art of penjing?

  • 19:30

    How It's Made (How It's Made)

    How It's Made (How It's Made)

    How It's Made

    Find out how glass bottles, hacksaws and goalie masks are made, as more everyday items are put under the microscope. [AL]

  • 20:00

    Salvage Hunters: The Restorers (Salvage Hunters: The Restorers)

    Salvage Hunters: The Restorers (Salvage Hunters: The Restorers)

    Salvage Hunters: The Restorers

    Julia restores a broken peacock head from a festival float for dealer Natasha. Plus, Steve rescues a pair of worn antique tables from a Suffolk stately home.

  • 21:00

    Shed & Buried (Shed & Buried)

    Shed & Buried (Shed & Buried)

    Shed & Buried

    Henry Cole and friends Fuzz Townshend and Guy Willison hit the road to find, buy and make a profit from the UK's abandoned automotive gems.

  • 21:30

    Shed & Buried (Shed & Buried)

    Shed & Buried (Shed & Buried)

    Shed & Buried

    Henry Cole and friends Fuzz Townshend and Guy Willison hit the road to find, buy and make a profit from the UK's abandoned automotive gems.

  • 22:00

    Salvage Hunters (Salvage Hunters)

    Salvage Hunters (Salvage Hunters)

    Salvage Hunters

    Drew is blown away by an 18th-century mansion on the edge of the Yorkshire Moors, and goes deep below ground at a Liverpool cathedral to unearth religious artefacts. [AL]

  • 23:00

    Salvage Hunters: Classic Cars (Salvage Hunters: Classic Cars)

    Salvage Hunters: Classic Cars (Salvage Hunters: Classic Cars)

    Salvage Hunters: Classic Cars

    Drew and Paul are in Somerset to hunt down a 1970s VW Type 3 Fastback. And, they revamp a Rover P6 built at the height of the British Leyland crisis.

  • 00:00

    Naked and Afraid (Naked and Afraid)

    Naked and Afraid (Naked and Afraid)

    Naked and Afraid

    Zach and Ann must endure intense heat, mosquitos and deadly snakes to survive in Santa Catalina. This Colombian jungle has a bloody past and is said to be cursed.

  • 01:00

    Salvage Hunters (Salvage Hunters)

    Salvage Hunters (Salvage Hunters)

    Salvage Hunters

    A Chipping Norton barbershop hides an incredible antiques emporium. In an Anglesey salt factory, Drew and Tee discover an unusual bread and cheese cupboard.