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Investigation Discovery

Investigation Discovery kanāls ir balstīts uz patiesiem dzīves stāstiem, mistēriju un noziegumu, kas aicina skatītājus palūkoties tuvāk uz gadsimta lielākajiem, neatrisinātajiem noslēpumiem

  • 00:00

    Signs Of A Psychopath (Signs Of A Psychopath)

    Signs Of A Psychopath (Signs Of A Psychopath)

    Signs Of A Psychopath

    Investigators search a farm for a missing man and find human remains. The owner admits that her pigs ate her tenant alive, and he's not the only victim.

  • 00:30

    Signs Of A Psychopath (Signs Of A Psychopath)

    Signs Of A Psychopath (Signs Of A Psychopath)

    Signs Of A Psychopath

    A gunman shoots a man dead as he runs along a country road. A witness tells police a bizarre story, and detectives unravel the lies of a psychopath.

  • 02:00

    The Murder Tapes (The Murder Tapes)

    The Murder Tapes (The Murder Tapes)

    The Murder Tapes

    Donovan Barfield is found dead and his apartment ransacked. Investigators uncover a diabolical plan of murder and robbery orchestrated by reckless killers.

  • 23:00

    Caught In the Net (Caught In the Net)

    Caught In the Net (Caught In the Net)

    Caught In the Net

    When two young men are shot dead, detectives turn to digital forensics, hoping hidden data buried in the victims' cell phones will help track down the killer.

  • 00:00

    Crimes Gone Viral (Crimes Gone Viral)

    Crimes Gone Viral (Crimes Gone Viral)

    Crimes Gone Viral

    Civilians rescue a police officer under attack and bystanders help a human trafficking victim. When criminals try to escape, unlikely heroes step in to save the day.