Travel Channel piedāvā ceļojumus, kas iedvesmo, pārsteidz un izklaidē. Tie ļauj ne tikai iepazīt pasauli, bet iegūt brīnišķīgu pieredzi un saskatīt brīnumus tur, kur pārējie tos neredz. Lieliski stāsti, brīnumaini galamērķi un atklāsme, ka dzīve ir ceļojums.
Ghosts Of Morgan City (Ghosts Of Morgan City)
A team of expert paranormal investigators are called by the Morgan City, Louissiana, police department to the site of a mysterious shapeshifting mist near the town's lake.
Destination Fear (Destination Fear)
Six years ago, Dakota and Alex foolishly attempted to explore Iowa's menacing Edinburgh Manor. Now, they return with the team to confront a vengeful poltergeist.
The Holzer Files (The Holzer Files)
The team are in Staten Island to investigate Conference House. Hans Holzer believed dark secrets and a grisly murder haunted this historic property.
The Holzer Files (The Holzer Files)
The team open Hans Holzer's hidden case file on the Surratt Tavern, where John Wilkes Booth hid after fatally shooting Abraham Lincoln in 1865.
Paranormal Emergency (Paranormal Emergency)
A police officer gets a call out from the restless dead, a weird light is seen in the sky during a night patrol and a rookie faces a legendary spirit.
Kindred Spirits (Kindred Spirits)
Amy, Adam and Chip investigate the Sterling Hill Mines in New Jersey. Rumours suggest a dark energy lurks in the miles of underground tunnels.
Alaska Monsters (Alaska Monsters)
The Alaska Midnight Sons head into dangerous bear country to investigate a creature known as Thunderfoot that has been attacking grizzly bears.
The Osbournes Want To Believe (The Osbournes Want To Believe)
Jack shows his parents odd videos of suspected UFOs, giant cryptids and ghosts. Plus, Ozzy is convinced his current home is haunted - is he starting to believe?
NASA's Unexplained Files (NASA's Unexplained Files)
Three cosmonauts die mysteriously as they re-enter Earth's atmosphere. Plus, a NASA rover discovers clues that help solve a murder.
Finding Bigfoot (Finding Bigfoot)
Bigfoot and the Redhead. The team meet with teenagers who may have filmed a Bigfoot whilst go karting. They deploy a unique search technique to try and elicit a sighting.
Mysteries At The Museum (Mysteries At The Museum)
Don Wildman revisits the most fascinating unsolved cases in the Mysteries at the Museum archives. He takes us back to San Francisco's Alcatraz Island, a museum that was once an infamous prison.
Ghost Nation (Ghost Nation)
The team travel to North Carolina to investigate paranormal activity. Terrifying apparitions have the couple fearing for their unborn baby's safety.
Kindred Spirits (Kindred Spirits)
Amy, Adam and Chip investigate the Sterling Hill Mines in New Jersey. Rumours suggest a dark energy lurks in the miles of underground tunnels.
Alaska Monsters (Alaska Monsters)
The AMS team trespass on gold claims to investigate a Bigfoot reported to be responsible for the notorious unsolved murders in the Cache Creek.
The Osbournes Want To Believe (The Osbournes Want To Believe)
Bark At The Moon. Jack introduces his parents to the infamous Skinwalker Ranch and stuns them with footage of supposed poltergeists. Plus, the family compare souls to flatulence.
NASA's Unexplained Files (NASA's Unexplained Files)
Two astronauts trapped in the vacuum of space face an agonising death. Plus, the first close up images of Pluto reveal an alien landscape.
Finding Bigfoot (Finding Bigfoot)
Bigfoot Loves a Barbecue. The team examine a video of a possible Bigfoot captured by a mother filming her kids at play. But can the team prove her claims and confirm the sighting?
Mysteries At The Museum (Mysteries At The Museum)
Wallenda Walks and More. History enthusiast Don Wildman unearths extraordinary relics and sinister artefacts, each with an incredible story to tell and a secret to be revealed.
Ghost Nation (Ghost Nation)
Jason, Steve, Dave and Shari head to Deptford, New Jersey, to investigate a haunted tattoo shop. Possible poltergeist appearances are threatening the business.
Kindred Spirits (Kindred Spirits)
Adam, Amy and Chip investigate strange symbols etched on the walls of an Indiana asylum. Are the symbols responsible for paranormal activity in the building?
Ghost Asylum (Ghost Asylum)
Stranded on an island the team has 48-hours to investigate terrifying Fort Delaware, a former civil war POW camp that claimed the lives of 1 in 4 prisoners.
Mysteries At The Hotel (Mysteries At The Hotel)
Why did the FBI raid a famous inventor's New York hotel room? And, how was an outlaw double-crossed by members of his own gang?
Mysteries At The Hotel (Mysteries At The Hotel)
What was the dark truth behind a bogus cancer treatment facility? And, what was the hotel bar where unsuspecting patrons were forced into slave labour?
Paranormal Emergency (Paranormal Emergency)
Disembodied cries lead first responders to a deadly crash. Police help an old lady haunted by unearthly voices. Ghostly children taunt firefighters in a mansion.
Haunting In The Heartland (Haunting In The Heartland)
Steve ventures to Malvern, Iowa, where a little girl's ghost haunts a small farming village. His search for answers leads him and his crew to their most evil haunting yet.